Gally imagine

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"Bloody hell!" You hear Newt, your best friend exclaim.

"What Newt?" You ask turning around. You sadly haven't found your job yet, and so you work with Frypan.

"Nothing. Just my leg." He says. His leg always bothers him nowadays.

"Go ask the med jacks for some pain killer." You sigh. You didn't like seeing your friends hurt. He got up and left with a smile. Of course. Smiling through the pain.

"Y/N. You have a 10 minute break. You should go see if you can find your job." Frypan says. smiling. He is like your brother. You smile.

"Ok." You get up and walk out. there was still one job that you haven't tried.


You smiled and walked over to them.

"Hey Gally." You said smiling.

"Hey Y/N." He smiled back, but then focusing on his project again.

"I wanna try being a builder." You say. He looks up at you.

"That's funny. But really what do you need?"

"What I need is a real job!" You yell, slamming your hand down on the work table causing everyone in the glade to look at you with shock.

"No." Gally simply says. You get so frustrated that you only say, "Fine." Before running into the woods.

You run past your usual spot where you come to rest, and go way further. To a place only you know about. A cave.

You climb up the rocks, and go through the vines and you're soon in your cave.

You've brought food and water here so that you can last about a month. You lay down on your side and start to cry.

Cry because you only know your name. Cry because you don't have a family. Cry because you're frustrated. But mostly, cry because you're in love with Gally and he doesn't even like you as a friend.

"Y/N!" You hear people yell.

It sounded like Newt, Minho, Thomas, Frypan, and........ Gally.

"Y/N! Please!" You hear Gally say. it sounds like he's in tears. You take a large piece of a rock and chuck it over the edge.

"What the bloody hell was that!?" You hear Newt exclaim. You chuck another. And another.

You lay back down because they are too clueless to find you.

You start to cry again because you thought they would find you.

"Sh. Y/N. It's ok." You hear Gally's voice in your head.

"Why can't you just realize I love you!" You scream.

"You do?" The voice asks. Wait. What? You turn around and see Gally right there beside you.

"Yes." You say in confidence.

"Good." He says before he kisses you.

"Good." You say when you break away.

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