Thomas imagine

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You're running through the maze mapping out your section. You are the only girl in the glade, and sometimes it sucks.

Today another greenie was coming and you had to be back in 5 minutes to map your section and then show the shank around. You run out of the maze and into the map room. Once you finish, you sprint out.

"Hey Y/N!" Minho calls and waves.

You look back for 2 seconds and you bump into someone.

"I am so so so sorry!" He apologizes. You look up and realized you have never seen him before.

"It's ok." You mutter, "Are you the newbie?" Hoping he'll understand that better than "greenie".

"Yah." He said.

"Ok well, we should probably get off the ground." You laugh. He laughs too, and blushes a little.

He stands up, and hold out his hand. You're not used to this treatment and respect from a boy so you blush.

You grab his hand and you have a flashback:

You're walking through the woods and you hear a twig snap.

"Who's there?" You ask.

"It's just me." You hear your boyfriend, Thomas call.

"Thomas." You say, as you run and jump into his arms.

"I don't want to go. I'll forget you." You say to him crying.

"I know baby girl, but we will find each other, I promise." He says. You smile and kiss him.


Oh my god.

"Thomas." You say.

"Y/N." He says, "I didn't break my promise." You smile.

"I missed you."

And soon you kiss him.

And you get to remember why, you love him.

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