Minho imagine for lttlebow

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I was in the map room with Thomas, recording the area I had ran today.
"Why is it always so hot in here?" I complained, wiping the sweat off my forehead.
"Maybe it's just you?" He smirked. I laughed, rolling my eyes.
"You're so cheeky. Aren't you?" I asked.
"Maybe it's the dimples?" He said. I chuckled.
"Listen, Emma. I've liked you for a while." Thomas started. I knew where this was heading so before he could say more I stopped him.
"Thomas... I like you. But not in THAT way." I sighed. He slammed his fists down on the table.
"Well why not?" He asked. I opened my mouth but he cut me off.
"You like someone else. Don't you?" He scoffed. I blushed.
"Well they probably don't like you back! You're a little slut... That's why." He laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What are you talking about? I haven't done anything since I got here to indicate in a slut!" I yelled at him. He walked up and shoved me onto the ground. His face got very close to mine.
"Not yet. But when I tell the other Gladers what you're doing, you're going to want to be put into the maze at night instead." Thomas sneered.
"What am I doing?" I asked, again really confused. Thomas bent down and started to harshly kiss me. I didn't kiss back, I just struggled, trying to push him away.
"Whoa... Am I interrupting something?" I heard a voice. I brought my foot up, kicking Thomas in his groin, and scrambled over to Minho.
He placed himself in front of me protectively.
"Thomas...? What did you do?" Minho asked. Thomas stayed silent, and Minho picked me up bridal style, carrying me to his room. He sat on his bed, placing me in his lap. He tucked a free strand of hair behind my ear.
"What happened?" Minho asked. I looked down, somewhat embarrassed.
"Hey... You can tell me anything." He told me, smiling. I have him a sad smile and slowly nodded.
"Thomas... He forced himself on me..." I said hesitantly. Minho's smile faltered.
"He did what?" He whispered, not believing what I had told him. I slowly nodded.
"I'm sorry." I apologized. He shook his head, setting me onto his bed.
"I'll be right back." He said. My eyebrows furrowed.
"I have a shuck head to punch." He chuckled. I looked down and nodded.
"Hey. As long as you're not hurt, Alby doesn't find out and Thomas doesn't die." Minho laughed. I smiled a little and waved as he left.

He was mine.

I was his.

And I was kinda happy.

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