Newt imagine

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"Hey guys, where's Newt?" You ask Minho and the others as they walk out of the maze.

"I thought him came out with you." He said wide eyed.

"NEWT!" You scream, running back into the maze.

You go into Newts section and you keep running.

Soon you fall to the ground crying,

"Newt!" You yell once again.

"Y/N. Leave me alone! Please!" You hear from above you. You see that Newt is on the top of the wall.

At first you didn't process what he was doing until you realize he was crying.

"NO! NEWT! Don't do it!" You yelled.

"Oh yah, Y/N! And why not." He shouted.

"Because I love you!" You shouted up.

It was easily 20 ft. in the air in this spot, but not enough to kill him. You looked over and saw a massive rock.

He was going to kill himself.

"What!?" He was so shocked that he fell over the other side. You would've laughed if you haven't been in such a serious situation.

"Newt!" You yelled. You ran over to the other side of the wall.

"Why would you do this?" You asked him, as you gently put his head on your lap.

"I had nothing to live for." He says, smiling a little bit. Your eyes water,

"Had?" You ask.

"Had. Because now, I have you." He smiled, pulling your face down to where you're kissing him.

When you break apart, you look up to see Minho standing there. Crying.

"Minho. Are you crying?" You ask. He shakes his head no at first, but then nods.

"My best friend just tried to kill himself, and then he confessed his love for you." You laughed.

"Let's get you to the med jacks." You say to Newt, stroking his hair/forehead.

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