Minho Imagine for penguins1313

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I heard a rattle, and I suddenly felt like I was being launched upward.

I was too tired to care about what was happening, so I closed my eyes.

My head hurt like I had just been hit with a metal bat and I could barely remember anything. I did the test I remembered about.

'My name is Phoebe....'

That's all I could remember. I couldn't even remember what I looked like, so I opened my eyes and sat up.

I looked around the metal box I was in, and I finally found a piece of a broken mirror.

My eyes were a shocking shade of blue, that also matched the ends of my hair. The top half of my hair was brown, and the bottom was blue.

I also had a small scar just below my ear.

I wonder what that's for?

I looked up and saw that the box had stopped. I hear a commotion going on outside of it. The door yanked open and I was almost blinded by the light.

A boy, or man, jumped down into the box.

"Hi. I'm Minho. Can you remember your name?" He asked. He talked slowly as if I was 5.

"Yes I can. My name is Phoebe. And I'm pretty sure I'm older than 14 so don't talk to me like I'm 5." I sassed.

"Ok...? I'm sorry. Just, let me help you out of the box." He said. I sighed.

"Ok, thanks. And you don't have to apologize. I snapped at you. I'm just hungry right now." I said to him. He smirked.

"Good thing it's almost lunch then."

********** After Lunch*************** "Hey! Phoebe! I want to take you somewhere! Come on!" I heard Minho say from a distance.

"Ok! I'll be right there!" I yelled back. I wrapped up my conversation with Newt about jobs, and I ran over to him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Follow me!" And with that he started running away. I rolled my eyes at his child-like manner, and ran after him.

When we got to the place that he called the Deadheads, he grabbed my hands. I felt sparks. I felt a connection.

"I know you've only been here for 2 hours 46 minutes and I don't know the seconds, but I feel something with you." He says. I nod, indicating that I feel the same way.

"I like you too." I say.

"Good that." He replies, just before pulling me into a long kiss, that I'm sure, stopped time.

And over the past year, the kisses I have fell in love with.

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