Minho imagine

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"It's a girl!" You hear someone with a British accent say, "And I think she's dead!"

You open your eyes and sit up.

"Listen here dumb ass. I'm not dead, and it's obvious I'm a girl. Could you please help me out of the box?" You sass him.

"Sorry. I'm Newt," he starts. He pulls down a rope. "And you are?"

"Y/N." You say. He ties the rope around you and they hoist you up.

You see that you're the only girl here. Well then.

"Hello, Y/N. I'm Alby. And this is Minho." Alby says.

You look over and see a giant wall with door like cement bricks. You looked at the sun. You could guess it would be 1 o'clock.

You point towards the walls, "those look familiar.... What are they?"

"That's the maze." The other guy, Minho says.

"It looks fun. Like a big game." You say smiling a little bit. Everyone else has cleared out now so it's just Newt, Alby, and Minho. Oh and you.

"Definitely not fun definitely-" Newt starts to say but you cut him off,

"Why not?" You tilt your head to the side.

"Because there are monsters in there." Alby states.

But monsters aren't real..... Monsters aren't real.

"Monsters aren't real." You say as you take off in a full on sprint towards the maze. You can hear a call in the distance behind you,

"Someone get her!"

You smirk at his choice of words. Right before you can get inside the maze you feel someone grab you around your waist.

"No! Let me go! Please! I remember this!" You start crying. The man raps you up in his arms.

"Shhh. It's going to be ok." You hear the familiar voice of Minho.

"When?" You ask, sounding like a broken child.

"Soon, Y/N. Very soon."

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