What other gladers think of your relationship

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Minho- they're cute, but I'm just gonna say we may have a baby on our hands one day.

Newt- I agree with Minho, but I'm just happy that Y/N doesn't distract him from his work. I know they're dating, but she's beautiful.

Gally- she makes him less of a shucking shank head so that good. But besides that I don't care.


Thomas- they are perfect for each other. It's funny when she out sasses him, too.

Newt- when they fight I want to laugh. It's bloody funny when she out sasses him and he acts offended. But they are the perfect match.

Gally- Minho has a girlfriend!? *starts laughing hysterically*


Thomas- they're so cute! I know that sounds girly but it's true! And Y/N doesn't take him away from us! She actually has told him to go have fun with us.

Minho- she's cool and smooth. Newt's awkward and weird. They balance each other out.

Gally- Newt doesn't yell at me as much. She's nice, and we talk sometimes. She's cool.


Thomas- she makes him less of a slinthead which is the only thing I like. But she's nice and pretty. I wanted to date her though...

Minho- they're cute. She's easy going and after they got together Gally has made some smart choices.

Newt- she scares him. She's Y/H (your height) and she scares a 6ft 2" man. It's bloody funny, really. She's scared him into some right choices though.

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