Newt Imagine for Karanna32

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I have always been best friends with Newt. He was always so sweet, but he had tried to kill himself.

I had a crush on him since the 2nd day in the Glade. When I asked him why he tried to do that, he said he had nothing to live for.

It killed me knowing that Newt didn't even notice me, or his other friends when he said he had nothing to live for.

It still kills me, and I'm not afraid to show it.

"Kai! Hey! What's up?" Newt asked, running over to me. I turned around and started to walk away, pretending that I didn't even hear him. I felt a grab on my shoulder.

"Hey! I was talking to you! Why are so mad at me lately? It's killing me." He said.

"You want to know something? You want to know why?"

"Yes!" He pleaded.

"It's because you said you have nothing to live for. And I've been clearly crushing on you since the 2nd day in this shuck hole! You know you can be a blind shuck face, right!" I yelled and ran away into the homestead.

When I got there, I slammed the door and cried.

A few minutes later I heard a knock,

"Go away!" I yelled. I heard the door open. I groaned.

"I said leave! I hate this place and I can't stand anyone right now! Leave!" I yelled into my soaking wet pillow.

"I'm not going anywhere." I heard a sad, British accent say. My breath caught in my throat.

"Kai. Look at me." Newt demanded. I refused.

"Kai. Look at me!" He demanded more aggressively. I still refused. He gently turned me so I was facing him.

"You don't get it." He started, "I love you. I love how your icy blue eyes look at the sun, or how when you cry they look like an ocean. I love how when you run, or skip, or do anything your bleach blond hair flails in the wind. I love how you always think it's better to tell the truth. And even though it may get you in trouble, you get your opinion out there. I love how you always smell of flowers, apples, and honey. I love how you sing when you think no ones listening, but the truth is when you do everyone can hear and the birds stop chirping. I love everything about you. I was in a bad place and thought of no one but myself and I'm so sorry. I swear if I could take it back I would. But I love you, and I can't hide that." He said, stroking my hair. And by the time he was done, I had developed new tears that I wished were the only tears I could have. Happy tears.

"I love you too." I said, and kissed him.

"And I love how forgiving you are." He said, laughing. I laughed too. And he really meant it, just like how I did too.

We loved each other.

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