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Dalton pov
I turn ready for a fight, but I see a lioness much larger and older than me sitting on a rock calmly.  I'm suspicious, but I say, "What do you want, Zira?" She says,"A deal." I say."Why would I make a deal with you after what you did to Vitani and Kovu." She says,'Because I want the same thing you want." I say,"which is?" She says,"Revenge on Simba for what he did to our families." I look away from her contemplating for a moment before I say,"What do you want in this deal?" She says,"It's simple, you will help us with our attack on the pridelands in return we will protect you and you can use our land and when we take over the pridelands your nation will receive
25-45% of the land." I say."We have a deal." An evil grin appears on her face, and she says ,"Good, please find your land, and then we will meet to discuss the exact terms." I nod and say,"You should leave before you are seen."
She leaves, and once again, I am alone with my thoughts.
The one feeling I have is anger, at Kion at Vitani, but mostly at myself.
*In mind*
He's split into good and bad
Good- she's gonna kill you
Bad-She can deal with it
Good-What I made a deal with the lion that almost had her killed
Bad - It's her mother 
Good-You have to call it off
Bad-No, you don't. You're getting revenge on that monster.
Good-But vitani
*Dalton pov*
I stand up to find Vitani knowing what I have to do.
*Vitani pov*
I ran off to see Fuli because I needed someone to listen.
When I find her, she's with kion so I say, "Fuli can we talk." She says, "Yeah, what's up." She walks over to me and I say "It's Dalton, we're leaving the whole gang to make a new nation and we got in a fight, he was talking about lions and it made me mad and I just left." Fuli says."Take a minute to cool down before trying to make up if you want cause if you don't calm down, it'll just make it worse." I nod and say,"I don't know what's gotten into him." Fuli says."He's had some trauma, and he gets angry easily, and he doesn't think before he acts." I say, "That's what I said about him not thinking." She says."It's pretty obvious." I smile and say,"Yeah, I just wish we could avoid all this bad stuff." Fuli says "Yeah I bet it seems like he's a magnet for bad stuff." I nod, and Dalton walks in and in a very calm and almost sad tone says "Tani can we talk, please?" I nod, and Fuli returns to Kion. Dalton says,"Vitani, I need to stand down, I'm sorry about what I said, and you're right. I need to think." He looks genuinely sorry, so I say "Yeah I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have exploded like that." He says,'No, I was wrong to say that about your species." I get closer to him and say,"I forgive you, but I'm still upset." He says,"I expected that."
*Time skip 5 minutes*
We return to the meeting spot, and I whistle loudly, which is followed by multiple other whistles and cheetahs running. I say, "We have been given permission to pass through Zira's land to get through the outlands unharmed." Vitani looks slightly confused but doesn't question it.
*Time skip 30 minutes*
We make our way through the outlands. Vitani asks, "How did you get permission to pass through here?" I say,"I asked a little bit ago just in case." She says,"Why didn't you tell me." I say."I didn't think it mattered, and you would've killed me if I did." She says,'You're probably right." She smiles, and I chuckle as we continue walking.
We reach the coalition fast, and we plan to pick up 5 cheetahs, including my mother.
*at Kay's den*
When I walk in, my mother is with a male cheetah. I don't know, so I say, "Whose that Ma'?" She looks surprised but says,"Oh Dalton, this is Josh." He says,"Hey bud." He looks like he's in his early 30s similar to my ma, but I  dont trust him. But I say. "Uh hey, but uh ma were leaving to make our own nation, and I was hoping you would come with us." She says,"Why?" I say."Issues with both royal families, so we decide to leave." She nods and says,"I'll go for you." I smile, but Josh says."Can I go." My ma trusts him, and I feel like it's something more, so I say,"I guess." He says, "Thank you." I nod and say,"We gotta go before Maraka finds out we're here, though." Ma nods, and we hurry out to the rest of the gang. Once everyone is gathered, we leave, and I know where to go."
There's some open land with caves, watering holes, trees, everything we'll need to survive." I lead us for about 25 minutes until we reach a Savanah exactly how I remember it. I say, "This is it. Make sure no one is here, and we can settle." We search the caves for a while before determining we're alone. We all find caves and establish a meeting point, which is around a large raised rock about 15 feet off the ground. We meet here, but I notice a flash of brown from the corner of my eyes. Then I hear a low feminine growl. I turn to face her and say, "Hello." She's ready to fight and says," What are you doing here? " I say, " I'm looking for land for me and my clan to live on." She says, "This is my land, and I don't want you here." I say."We can't split it?" She says, 'Why should I?" I say, 'We can help you." She says,"How?" I say, 'We help you survive, and you can be a part of something bigger." She looks a little skeptical, but she eases up and says, "Who are you?" I say."My name is Dalton, and this is my gang." She says, "Why are you here?" I say, "We were banished from the pridelands." She says, "Yeah, Simbas, a jerk." I nod and ask, "What's your name?" She says, "Amari." She smiles, and we shake paws.

Hey guys, jedi here, and I am reusing names, but remember different universes so it could be the same person? idk. Anyways, have a good day/night, jedi out!!!

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