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Dalton pov
After the battle, I walk around and see death everywhere, and then I see him, James lying face down in the mud with the rest of rose 5 around him. I kneel and say, "Dammit." Vitani puts a paw on my shoulder and says, "What do you want to do?" I don't answer. I can't. My breathing is shaking, and I'll cry if I do. I take a deep breath and say, "We need to bury him, make sure the grave is marked." Rose says, "Hoorah."
We bury him, and Dan says a prayer. I look up to the sky and say, "Take care of him for us." I see tears in everyone's eyes, so I say, "We have a meeting at priderock. Take your time. I'll back you up if Zira asks."
I go to priderock and see Kiara and Nala tied up, so I say, "Let them go." The guard nods, and Nala says, "What, why?" I say, 'You don't need to be tied up. We outnumber you 100 to 2 if you fight."Kiara asks, "Is Dad..." I nod and say, "Yes, Simba is dead." Then she asks, "What about Kion?" I say, 'No, he's alive, him and Fuli left, but I bet they'll be back soon." Zira walks in and says, "Go clean yourself, Dalton. I heard about your friend. Go collect yourself, clean yourself, and get everybody. When you get here, we start." I say, "Yes Ma'am."
I walk off to bathe. When I reach the salt water pond, Vitani is there also just floating on her back. I say, "How you doing Tani." She says, 'I'm fine." I say, 'You sure." She says, "Yeah." I start getting the blood off as she flips over and gets out trying to dry off. She says, "You want your wounds cleaned?" I say, "Yeah." I get the visible blood and smell off my fur before I let her clean my wounds. She asks, "What was it like killing Simba?" I say, "It was a rush of energy when he collapsed. I said, "I'll see you in hell," and slit his throat, and all I felt was I didn't know it wasn't joy. It was a high I could never get again." She says, 'You're lucky, I got a few smaller lionesses, all easy fights." I say, "My fights were very easy also." She says, 'But you killed Simba, the most famous lion in the pridelands." I say, "Yeah, but he was weak." She says, 'Because of you. He gotcha good here." She points out a large bite mark in my shoulder. I didn't notice in my adrenaline rush. I say, "Yeah, go easy on it." She nods and carefully goes over it a few times. After she finishes, I say, "We gotta go soon. Zira needs us at priderock." She says, "Hold on one more." *Kisses me." I kiss her back and laugh when we break before saying, "You've been waiting to say that." She laughs and says, "Yeah."
I nuzzle up to her, and she pushes me, saying, "Stop someone will see." I say, "I wouldn't do this if someone was near." She says, "Yes, you would." I say, 'No, I wouldn't. I just like messing with you in private." That's when Dan and Braxton see us and laugh. Through the laughter, Dan says, "Zira needs you two in private." I blush and say, "Don't tell anybody." Dan just laughs and nods. Vitani punches me.
We walk up priderock to meet with Zira. When we get to the top, I whistle to get everybody here for the announcement. We walk in, and Zira and Nala are sitting next to each other, which is strange. Vitani says, "What up?" Nala doesn't look at her but at the ground, and Zira says, "Tani, I need to admit something, and I thought both of you should hear this." I say, "It can't be that bad, right?" Nala looks up, and I start to put the pieces together that they have a strange past. Zira says, "Tani, you're not my biological daughter." I about faint knowing what she's about to say. Vitani puts it together and weakly says, "So Nala is my m..." Zira nods, and I see Vitani get angry, so I put a paw on her shoulder and say, "Be careful." She says, "How and is scar my father." Nala says, "Yes, scar is your father, and I was ashamed to have a daughter with him, so when Simba returned, I gave you to Zira." Vitani looks confused, so Zira tries to put a paw on her face to comfort her, but she backs away and says, "Why'd you not tell me." Zira says, "Because I was scared you wouldn't trust me if I did." She says, "Well, I don't mistrust you if that helps." That's when I noticed the resemblance between Nala and Vitani, especially when their nervous. Nala sees me looking apparently cause she says, "We look very similar, dont we." I say, "Yeah, especially when you're nervous or angry." Vitani punches me again and says, "I'm not nervous." I give her a skeptical smile and say, "I'm going to see if all the cheetahs are here."
I walk out and say, "Dan, what was the healthy headcount after the battle and now?" He says, "75 then 74 now." I say, "Whose missing?" He says, "Tani." I say, "She's in there." He says,"Then 75/75." I say, "What's the casualty count?" He says, "25 dead, 30 seriously injured 55 total." I say, "Jesus chrimeny." He says, "Yeah." Thats when Zira, Nala, and Vitani walk out, so I walk up to them and ask Zira, "Can I say something to start." She says, "Yes." So I open with, "Hey, Y'all just kicked some pridelander ass Hoorah!" There's a resounding hoorah and applause in return. I smile and say, "All right fuck yeah y'all." There's more applause as I step back and let Zira take over. She says, "Thank you, Dalton." I nod as she continues, "Good job today it was a resounding success, and thanks to you, cheetahs, we were able to take out Simba and Kion." I go wide-eyed when she says that, and I walk up and whisper, "Kions not dead Ma'am." She says, 'What, you said you'd take care of him." I sigh and say, "He ran with Fuli." She says, "Close enough." And continues, "For your help, I've decided to split the land 50/50 and leave priderock as neutral." I smile, and Zira says, "Me and Dalton will meet after this to decide who gets what." She steps back and says, "Would either of you like to say anything?" Vitani shakes her head, so I take the stage again and say, "In all seriousness, thank you, Zira, for accepting us and this generous amount of land we'll be up all night partying am I right." There's some cheer from the crowd as I say,"All right, have a good day, y'all. I step away as the crowd disperses, and Zira is smiling, so I say, "What's up." She says,'Your energy is great a real motivation booster." I smile at her comment, and Dan walks and says, "You're majesty. Can we talk for a moment about Tani." Zira says, "Talk to Nala." Dan puts it together pretty fast, so he says, "Okay." I say, "Dan, I swear."
We walk into priderock to discuss borders.
*Time skip 1 hour*
That was annoying it took forever and a lot of negotiating, but we got what we wanted for the most part.
Me and Tani go back to hanging out, party, and drink for a while, and we cuddle up in priderock for the night after.
The next day, we try to mend our relationships with the pridelanders from our land. There's lots of issues with us, so we need to convince everyone we're good or at least not bad.
We walk around and get a lot of look but start talking to Basi, the Hippo float leader. He's very welcoming and nice. He says, "Hello, you are Dalton and Vitani, correct?" I say, "Yeah." He says, "I am Basi, the float leader." I say, "It's good to meet you, and see a friendly face we aren't necessarily trusted." He says, "Simba fed them propaganda about you, but I saw what you did for your friends and family." I smile, and Vitani says, "We really aren't as bad as most of these guys think." Basi says, "I know." He then looks over to his float and says, "Beshte, come here." A smaller hippo leaves the water, gives me a weird look, and says, "What's up, dad?" Basi says, "This is Dalton and Vitani, the new leaders." He says, 'Hey, I'm Beshte." I say, "Hey, I'm Dalton." Vitani smiles at him and says, "I'm Vitani, but you can call me Tani." He looks uneasy as he says, "I've heard a lot about you two." I sigh and say, "Like what?" He says, 'I heard you're savages, I'm sure that's not true." I take a second to respond, so Vitani says, "We aren't savages. We're soldiers." He says, "Yeah, we met at the party. Actually, you both seemed nice." She smiles as I say, "We can be."
Vitani pov
I smile at the compliments. I may be souless, but I like compliments. Basi says, "It was nice meeting both of you. Feel free to talk to us." I say, "It was good meeting you two, too." He nods, and we walk away.
After that, the animals seem much more talkative. We walk around for hours as random animals walk over and talk to us. It's nice to feel wanted or liked. I couldn't tell if the others were scared or not until two lion cubs ran up to us and said, "Hi!" Dalton smiles and says, "Hey." I say, "Where are your parents." One a girl points to over to a watering hole and says, "Dad's sleeping, and mom is watching us." I say, "Ok, so what are you doing." The other a boy says, "We wanted to say hi to the new king." I begin to say we aren't, but Dalton says, "I don't know about King, but we're the leader."
I say, "Hey, I'm a queen." The cubs chuckle, and I say, "I'm Tani, or Vitani if you want to be technical."
Dalton pov
I see Vitani's heart melting as she talks to the cubs. She looks genuinely happy. I'm happy to see that. She's always been serious and locked her emotions away.
I say, "Why are you so talkative now, Tani?" She smiles and says, "I don't know." I say, "Alright, there's someone I need to talk to, so we gotta get going." She says, "Alright, see y'all around." Then walks over to me, and we start walking. I say, "You really liked them." She says, "I like cubs their fun." I say, "Really?" She says, "Yeah, I love being around them, I couldn't imagine raising one, though." I say, "Me neither, but I'm not good with cubs." She says, 'Really, you're so light-hearted I assumed you would be." I say, 'No, I scare them, I think it's cause of my scars and the mix of lion and cheetah." She says, "It was strange meeting a chion as a cub. We continue to talk and joke until we find the egrets

Hey guys, Jedi here, and I hope you enjoyed this it was longer than I wanted, but it's pretty good, I think, so the next one will he shorter. Anyways have a good day/night may the force be with you jedi out!!!

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