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Kion pov
I hear Fuli yell from a few hundred feet away and I run to find her.
When I get there Dalton and his gang are already there Daltons is next to Fuli and he says "Fuli come on you're gonna be ok trust me you and kion have too much to do." I hear her chuckle and see someone working on her and I say "What can I do." Dalton gets closer and whispers "Sit near her and keep her awake cause if she falls asleep she might not wake up and keep her calm she's got a good gash in her stomach." I nod and walk over to her she says "Kion hey *winces in pain* how's it looking." I say "Fine you'll be fine we gotta go on a date still." She says "Kion I'm scared." I say "I know it's ok." I nuzzle her and Dalton says "Kion tell her deep breaths." I say "Deep breaths ok." She nods and starts taking deep breaths
I comfort her for at least 15 minutes until Dalton asks "Is she ok anything feel weird?" She says No a lot of pain but that's it." He stands up and hugs me and says "She'll be ok." I sigh in relief and say "Thank god." I help her up and take her to Rafiki with Dalton.
After we drop her off I tell Dalton "Find the sons a bitches who did this I don't care." Dalton nods and says "We will." He walks away and I stay with Fuli.
Dalton pov
I get back to the gang and I announce "We have another head hunt whoever did this is gonna pay no killing but we gonna mess 'em up." We talk to fuli if it's a group we separate them if it's one you know the drill, Any questions?" No one has any so we go to Rafikis hut to talk to fuli. When we get there I walk I'm and say "Hey Fuls do you know who did this?" She says " I don't know his name but I can describe him." I say "Go ahead." She says "He was a muscular king cheetah with blue eyes little older looking than us." I say "Any distinct things like scars or tattoos anything." She says " he had a scar on his front right forearm." I say "Ok thanks." I walk out and tell the others what she told me. Then we walk to a popular hangout of the Reds. When we get there I see him immediately but I ask " Are you the one who attacked the princess?" He looks at me and says "No I don't know the princess." I say "Fuli, cheetah green eyes." He says "That's the princess." I say "Yeah did you attack her." He says "You here to kill me." I say "No I'm here to make you pay." He gets into a defensive position as I start to circle him in an attack position and I pounce and we tumble for a minute we land punches and scratches on each other before we separate and get back into position. By this point, we've got a good-sized crowd but they know better than intervene. This time he pounces but I dodge it and scratch him on his way past. He winces in pain but continues, he is much faster than me like most cheetahs but my strength and agility outweigh that. He says "Come on pounce you can't keep dodging me." I say "Sure I can." He pounces again but this time I jump at him and we start fighting. He gets me across my left eye again but this time it's bad. I finally get him good across the chest and he gives up. I stand up and say "You attack one of my guys that'll be you!" I walk away and he's tended too." We walk back to Kion and say "We got 'em." He smiles and says "Good you didn't kill him right." I shake my head and he says "Ok but Dalton can I talk to you alone." I say yeah, you guys are good thanks." Me and kion walk away and talk.
Kion says "Dalton you're a good guy I know that you've gone through hell more than once." I nod and say "Yeah why are you saying this?" He says " It's just I think what you do is wrong and it could've been avoided I'd not for the war." I say "No we've been at each other's necks since the day we were born people were gonna it'd our circle of life you're born you join a gang a friend is killed you kill their killer then someone else dies it could be day weeks months even but it'll happen even without people die and people want revenge it's bound to happen and I've killed more people than I'd like to admit and people have died under my watch I'm not happy." Kion says "I know but I'm just stuck in the middle of this I feel bad for what's happened to you." I say "Don't it's how I was raised."
I walk away and kion lets me
Kion pov
I go to see fuli after that but it takes about 10 minutes to get there
When I get there Fuli is sitting up talking to Vitani. I walk in and Fuli says "I know it was great I think he's the one." Vitani says "You two are cute." That's when I make my presence known by saying "Thanks Vitani." I chuckle at myself and she says "It's true." We high paw and I say "Hey Fuls how you doing." She says "Fine." She nuzzles me and I say "You told Vitani I guess." She says "No Dalton did." I laugh and then he shows up and says "Hey is Tani in here." She says "Yeah what's up," He says "Can we talk in private put here for a minute." She walks out and I sit next to fuli. I say "Fuli I love you I haven't got to say that yet and I want you to know I think we're special and I want you to stay in the pridelands with me." Fuli says " Kion I love you too but I don't think I can forever." I shake my head and say "No not forever your dad wouldn't let that happen but just a few months I want to be with you but we can't without you here." She bits her bottom lip to think before saying" I can talk to my Dad but he doesn't know about us." I say "He'll find out eventually might as well tell him now." She nods and says "As soon as Rafiki clears me." I kiss her and walk out.
When I walk out Dalton and Vitani seem to be discussing something so I let them be.
*unskip 5 minutes*
Dalton pov
After me and Vitani walk a little bit out of earshot I say "Tani I want to keep you safe but I can't do that with the gang." She nods and says "So what do you want to do I can handle myself." I say "I know I know but it's a bad idea to have a public relationship without you in the... the gang." Vitani looks surprised and I say "I know it's dangerous but it's safer for you and you'd probably find it fun." She looks at me first a minute then thinks before saying " Do I have to kill anyone." I say "Don't have to but you might want to." She says "I'll join you but I don't like killing." I say "Okay that's fine we don't usually kill very often. " She says "Good but what is it exactly?" I say "It's a brotherhood we just protect each other and get in plenty of fights." She smiles and says mischievously "Sounds fun." I say "There you go but we've never had a non-cheetah in the gang." She says "I'm special I guess."I laugh and say "I guess but let's introduce you to the gang."

Hey guys jedi here not much I just hope you enjoyed and if you're a creator me and fertheone made a discord server and want some authors in it. Anyways have a good day/night may the force be with you jedi outt

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