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Dalton Pov
When I get back, it's dark, so I walk to our cave where Vitani is still awake and looks nervous. So I walk over and nuzzle her, she says, "Thank goodness you're okay, how'd it go." I say, "Better than expected, Kion caught me, and luckily, I survived." She smiles and says, "What about Fuli?" I say, "She's staying out, I may try and get her to join us after the battle." Vitani says, "She won't if you kill Kion." I sigh and say, "I don't know she might." Vitani looks at me skeptically and says, "You really like each other, but I don't think she'd forgive you." I say, "I know, she's just the closest thing I have to a sister." She says, "I know." I say, "It's getting late. Let's sleep. We have a long day tomorrow." She says, "Yeah, sleep." And gives me a mischievous smile.
*Unskip 20 minutes*
*Kion pov*
Me and fuli start to walk back after the confrontation.
I say, "What were you doing with him?" She says, "He wanted to talk. He's offering me immunity if I don't fight." I say, "What does that mean." I say, "He'll let me live me in peace away from the pridelands if I dont fight and they win, and if you live, He'll let you go with me." I sigh and say, "Fuli, he's lying." She says, 'He's isn't. I know when he lies, just trust me."I sigh and say, "I trust you, but know I can't let him live, so one of us is gonna die. She says, "I know." I say, "Fuli, I wish we could just go back a month and be friends again." She says, "Really?" I say, "Yeah, me and him we were good friends, and we both just wanted to be at peace, with our families, past, and each other." She nods and says, "Yeah, all he wanted was peace with the pridelands." I say, 'No, he wanted to he cool with me, but I think I don't know." She says, "You fucked up that's what's you think, you know you could've stopped this." I nod and say, "We should go to sleep." She yawns and says, "Yeah." We walk up priderock and sleep.
Dalton pov
*The next day*
I wake up with Vitani resting on my chest. It's early, so I move her without waking her and walk out.
I walk to a watering hole to drink and bathe. I can't get the smell of blood off my fur after yesterday. I even try rolling in flowers, but I just smell like blood. Vitani sees me doing that and laughs. She walks over and says, "What are you doing?" I sigh and say, "I can't get the smell of blood off my fur." She says, "Bloods hard to get off especially lion it's smell is weird." I say great." She says, "Let me clean your cuts, and you can go back to rolling in the flowers." She regularly cleans my cuts after fights. I laugh as she licks a cut on my neck. She says, "What did you do, Jeez?" I say, "I can't tell if it was you or Simba." She laughs and licks a few more cuts, I wince as she licks one on my front leg, so she says, "What's with this one?" I say, "I don't know, it just hurts when you touch it." She looks at it and says, "I don't know it's deeper than the others that might be it." I say, "It's fine." She cleans it and a few more before sitting up and saying, "Alright, flower boy." I playfully push her and say, "You won't let that go, will you." She smiles and says, "Nope."
*Kion pov*
I wake up next to Fuli and walk out. It's early, so I sit atop priderock and take in the cool breeze. I sit there for a minute before walking to the watering hole for a drink. When I get close, I notice Kiara down
I walk up and say, "Hey Kiara." She says,"Hey Kion." I say, "Hey, I wanted to do something for Fuli today, something small, what do you think I should do." She thinks for a second before saying, "Get here some flowers and food. That's how you make a girl happy." She smiles as I say, "I'll remember that." We sit in silence before I say, "Kiara, I love you." She looks confused but says, "I love you too, kion." She nuzzles me and says, "Don't die tonight. A celebration is no good without you." I smile and say, "Yeah, I know."
*Dalton pov*
I didn't get the smell off, I slightly masked it with the flowers, but they smell worse to me. As we walk to ziras land for planning and training, Vitani says, "Those flowers might smell worse than the blood." I say, "I know I didn't have time to wash it off." She sighs and says, "It's fine, but I am not fighting with you smelling like that." I say, "I'll wash it off." She says, "Thank God."
When we get there, Zira says, "What is that smell? It's like blood and flowers."  I chuckle, and she says, "Oh,  Lion blood?" I say, "Yeah." She says, "Salt water works very well in removing the smell." I say, "I didn't think of that." She says, "Noone does." I say, "Thank you." She says, "We gotta plan.
*Time skip 1 hour*
After the planning, Zira says, "Please go bathe in salt water." I say, "I will."
We go back to our land, and I find a sl
Salt water basin to get the smell off."
It works surprisingly well, so I clean myself up and make my fur look slightly better right before we set off."
*Simba pov*
As sunset draws closer, I send Ono, Zazu, and Anga to watch out for the attack. Kion stays with Fuli for most of the time. He already told me she won't be fighting, which I could've expected.
As it starts to rain, the three birds return, and Zazu says, "She is on her way, you're majesty." Ono says, "No sign of the cheetahs." I say, "Keep looking Ono and Anga, Zazu gather the army."
*Dalton pov*
Before we return to the outlands with the army, I go to my mother's. She's alone when I get there, so I hug here and say, "I'm sorry if I don't make it, and for how I'm going to look after." She says, 'You don't have to do this." I say, "Yes, I do." She says, "If that's how you see it." I say, "I'm sorry for everything I put you through." She says, "Dalton, the pain of what he did is worth it. I love you more than anything in the world. The pain always pays off, so go do what you see necessary. I'll always back you up." I say, 'I love you, Ma'." She says, 'I love you to D."
After this, I walk out and gather everyone before we walk to the outlands for the briefing.
Me and Vitani aren't there for it since we already know it, so I go to my spot and let the breeze blow through my mane, its much longer now it makes a Mohawk and it feels so good flowing with the wind. I close my eyes and take it in until Vitani nudges me and says, "Whatcha doing." I say, "I'm just taking in the breeze." She says, 'God, that mane drives me wild." I open my eyes, smile, and look at her. I say, "You just drive me wild in general." I nuzzle her as she says, "Stop, you're too lovey sometimes." I say, 'You know you like it." She purrs and nuzzles ne back before saying, "Maybe." She stays silent, and I can hear her purrs and heart beating. It's calming and relaxing, until Zira yells, "Come on, love birds." I chuckle and break the embrace before we climb down and fall into formation at the front with rose squad.

Hey guys jedi here and this chapter was so fun to write. I did exactly what I wanted to, humanize the vilians but not have them lose their evil touch. I think I did it very well. Anyways have a good day/night may the force be with you jedi out!!!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays - The whole crew

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