Chapter 1

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“Lizzy, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on and I want you to be mine.” He said while running his hands through my hair.

“I want to be yours too.” I replied blushing.

He slowly drew his face closer to mine and was about to kiss me when suddenly I felt cold water on my body as I jerked awake.

“Oh you are alive? I thought you were dead.” My step sister said.

“Why did you pour water on me and wake me up from my beautiful dream!!!” I screamed at her.

“Beautiful dream my butt!! Just say you were dreaming of your old dead witch of a mother.” she said.

I got up from the bed in anger and was about to say something when she suddenly ran out screaming,

“Mom, she hit me!!!”

I looked around in confusion trying to figure out who she said hit her and suddenly, I heard my step mother screaming my name.

I quickly ran out and met her in the living room with my step sister who was fake crying.

I was about to defend myself when suddenly my step mother picked up the remote control beside her and threw it at me.

“Pick it up and give it to me!!!” she ordered.

With tears in my eyes, I picked up the remote control and walked to her and as she took it, she held my hand and used the remote control to hit my head several times.

I screamed for help and in pain as my step sister laughed to her heart's content.

My stepmother only stopped hitting me when the remote control got damaged and she then screamed at me.

“You bastard child born out of wedlock!! You want to kill my only daughter for me just like you killed your stupid mother right?? Your plan will not work in this house, do you hear me??!!!”

“Yes ma.” I answered in tears.

“And if you ever lay your filthy hands on my daughter again, that day is the day you will join your mother wherever she is!! Now get out of my sight!!!”

“Yes ma.”

As I walked away, tears clouded my vision as I thought hard about my life.

Could my life get any worse?

My name is Elizabeth and I am 17 years old. I never got to know my Father or my Mother  because my Mother died while giving birth to me and my Father died in a car crash many years ago.

My stepmother whom I never knew existed came for me.

She was nice at the beginning and cared for me like her own daughter.

I was happy at first thinking I had a second Mother who would love me not knowing she was going to be my worst nightmare.

She suddenly changed from being nice to telling me occasionally that the pain and hurt my late Father and Mother caused her, she would double it for me.

I was asked to sleep in the store room with a tiny bed which looked old and unkempt.

I wasn't allowed to eat unless I finished doing all the chores in the house including washing my step sisters clothes and when I was allowed to, It wasn't more than twice a day and only the leftover food.

As for school, she did enroll me in the same school as my stepsister but she told me that when I finished high school, I was not going to college and she made that sink deep into my head.

My high school uniform was so worn out that you could see the patches of me sewing it over and over again.

I don't have a choice but to bear all of these because I have no other place to go.

I quickly got dressed for school because I wasn't allowed to use the bus like my step sister so I had to walk all the way to school and very early at that so I couldn't miss any classes.

After walking back to school for more than thirty minutes, I was extremely exhausted because my head was still banging from today's encounter with my stepmother.

As I walked through the hallway thinking deep about my life, I suddenly tripped and fell flat to the ground.

I thought it was my shoe that made me trip but as soon as I fell, laughter echoed in the halls and as I raised my head up I found out that it was Robin the highschool quarterback who made me trip on purpose.

This was another situation that made me hate myself and my life because I was also bullied at school.

Robin and his friends Rex and Steven hurt me on a daily basis.

They would sometimes pour their lunches on my body, make me late to classes, put gum on my hair, and one time they even locked me up in the janitor's closet for 3 hours.

I was now always scared to come to school, the only place I felt safe because of them and even when I reported to my stepmother and the school authority about it, nothing was done because Robin's family are influential and my stepmother cared less.

I got up from the ground, dusted my clothes and was about to walk away with tears in my eyes when Rex suddenly snatched my school bag.

“Please give it back, I beg of you.” I pleaded.

“And if I don't, what are you going to do about it???” Robin asked.

“Nothing but please just give it back.” I continue pleading with tears in my eyes.

“I will give it back but only on one condition.” Robbin said.

“What condition??” I asked.

“I want you to lick my shoes with your tongue.” Robbin said as he and his friends burst into laughter.

“Tick,Tick,Tick your time is running out sweetheart and you will only stop when you are being asked to.” Rex said.

“Do it! Do it! Do it!” The rest of the students chant in the hallway.

I got on my knees and saw my best friend Tracy stare in horror knowing she couldn't do anything about it.

I bent my head with tears streaming down my face as I licked Robbins shoes slowly.

I sobbed harder waiting for him to tell me to stop but didn't hear those words.

“What the hell is going on here!!!” someone yelled.

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