Chapter 28

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“What do you mean by that??” I asked in confusion.

“I couldn’t see her anywhere around her hostel.” he said.

“And you didn't ask anyone around for her!!!???” I yelled as I began to get uneasy.

“I did but they said they only saw her outside of her hostel and that was all.”

I picked up my phone immediately and dialed her number.

It kept on ringing but no response from her.

I kept calling her number repeatedly but she didn't pick up her phone.

“Let's go to her hostel immediately.” I said as I entered the car and we drove off.

We got to her hostel and I was allowed inside after talking to the security and I went straight to her room and knocked.

“Who is there??” her roommate answered.

“It's me Justine.” I said.

She opened the door and was surprised to see me.

“Justine??? You guys are back from your date???” she asked with a confused look on her face.

“That is why I am here…when my driver came to pick Elizabeth up, he didn't see her.”

“What do you mean??? She left about a few minutes ago saying she wanted to wait for your driver outside.” she said.

“I am telling you that he didn't see her outside and I have called her line a million times but no response.” I said.

“Okay I am beginning to get scared, she said.”

We went outside and searched all over the hostel premises for her but couldn't find her.

After that, we went to ask the security man in the hostel if he saw any girl with her description but he said he didn't.

How could he when they aren't even paid properly to do their jobs and all they now do is to sleep on duty.

I couldn't file a missing complaint for her because it wasn't not even up to 24 hours.

My heart started beating faster than usual as sweat gathered in my forehead due to tension.

The fact that she wasn’t even picking up her phone made me even more worried.

It was night time already and I had to drop Lizzy's roommate back at her hostel and decided to search for her myself.

I was so confused that I didn't know where to start my search.

Her number was still ringing but no response from her.

I had to go to her stepmother's house and found out her stepmother moved a few months ago from the house and so Lizzy wasn't there.

If confusion was a person, it was me at that moment because I didn't know what to do.

Any call that came through to me I would pick up so fast thinking it was Lizzy calling.

Two days went by so fast and I filed a missing person report to the police and even paid them a huge amount of money so they could be fast about their investigations.

I even did the unthinkable by involving my parents in the matter.

At first my Mother was reluctant to help as she was still a bit upset about the whole secondary school situation with Lizzy but when I sat her down and explained properly to her how important Lizzy was and how much I cared about her and wanted to make her my future wife, she decided to use her connections to help me.

If Lizzy was kidnapped, we were waiting patiently to get a call from the kidnappers to ask for the random and then trace the line and rescue her but it wasn't so as we got no call from anyone.

This all looked so surreal to me because I had never experienced this before, not even in the case of a loved one.

I had so many questions in my head but the most frequent one was who would want to harm Elizabeth and why.

She was the nicest and calmest and didn't look for anyone's trouble.

She kept her circle of friends small and to crown it all, I felt so bad because this happened when we were about to make up for our misunderstanding.

“Son, is there anyone you know who would want to harm her??” My Mother would occasionally ask.

Whenever she did, I was always mute because I couldn't think of any.

As for the police, they had no leads on her seeing as no one saw anything strange or suspicious that went on with her the day she had gone missing.


One dreadful week passed and still no news.

I had lost weight and sleep, had dark circles in my eyes and even eye bags.

I was getting so tired and frustrated and had no idea what to do next.

The police even got a lead about a girl kidnapped during the week and my hopes rose only to be crushed again as I found out it wasn't Lizzy.

I wasn't a church kind of person but because of the situation, I started attending churches trying to see if a solution would come.

Lizzys number wasnt going through and suddenly bad thoughts started flooding my head but I didn't lose hope as I kept on hoping she would return back to me soon.

One day, after I came back from the police station and got back home all tired and exhausted, I decided to take a quick nap.

Before I fell asleep, I noticed my phone rang but with an unknown number.

I was skeptical on picking the call because I felt it was one of those scam calls as I was getting that lately.

Something in my spirit told me to pick up the call and when I did I heard,


That voice sounded so familiar.

“Oh my goodness!! Lizzy??!!!”

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