Chapter 26

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“Elizabeth!! Elizabeth, come back here I am not done talking to you.” I said.

She walked away like I was talking to a ghost.

She has now grown wings to be walking away from me while speaking to her.

I got into my car and drove back home angrily.

When I got home, I was too pissed to even eat or cook and so I just freshened up and decided to sleep.




“Justine, you know I love you so much and that I would do anything for you.” she said.

“I know.”

“But I have to follow my dreams.”

“What do you mean by that??” I asked.

“This has always been my dream Justine so please try and understand.”

“I understand love and that is why I will still support you no matter what.”

“Will you do what I asked??”

“You know I can't do that.” I said.

“That means you don't love me.” she said as she cried and walked away.

Two weeks later, I am standing at the altar waiting for her and I suddenly see my bestman bring me a letter.

“My love, thank you for everything you have done for me, I really do appreciate it but I am sorry I have to follow my dreams now…by the time you are reading this, I would have been on a plane already….I wish you the very best and I apologize once again for everything…. Love you lots.” the letter read.





I suddenly opened my eyes as I kept panting and sweating.

This was another nightmare I was having this week and it has been on repeat for a while now.

It all started when Elizabeth told me she wanted to pursue her dreams and that I should always support her.

That statement of hers brought back painful memories and I started having doubts about her.

There was definitely no way history could repeat itself but it seemed like it was.

The night classes, the boys flocking around her, what was I expecting.

Elizabeth was behaving exactly like Her and I was beginning to get scared about the whole situation.

The other day, I caught her hugging a boy at her school and when I asked about it, she said I was being paranoid and that she could hug her course mates if she wanted to and that it didn't mean anything.

It meant a lot to me because I could see some repeated traits between her and that person.

If history was going to repeat itself again, It would be better if I just quit or stayed away now that there was still time.

“But Elizabeth is not like that??” my sub consciousness said.

“How do you know that??”

“Because I just know…she's too naive to have that kind of mindset.” he said.

“And since when are you an expert in relationship affairs.”

“Since you decided to ask the girl you love and trust to be your girlfriend.”

“Whatever man, I don't even trust her anymore.” I said.

“And why exactly??”

“Because lately when I see her, I am reminded of you know who.”

“But that was long ago and Lizzy is not like that.” he said.

“Yes she is.”

“No she isn't.”

“I said she is.” I yelled.

Looking around, I figured I was talking to myself all along.

“I really am going crazy.” I said.

The next day, I had a repetition of the same dream or nightmare and I was beginning to get worried.

I didn't get any call or text messages from Elizabeth and I was not in the mood to talk to her anyway.

I continued with my daily activity like nothing was wrong and that was how two days passed by slowly.

Still no messages or calls from Elizabeth.

At that point, I didn't know what to do anymore as I grew more confused.

I have known her for 3 to 4 years now and I know everything about her to know she was totally innocent but why was my heart fighting it.

The one thing I loved so much about her was her naivety and why did I begin to doubt her knowing fully well she was too naive to even do such a thing.

Guilt flooded me as I had an inner battle with myself if I should or shouldn't call her.

After thinking long and hard, I decided to text her to come meet me at home because I figured that if I really loved her and wanted the relationship to work, I needed to come clean and tell her everything about my past.

“Hey Lizzy, please can you come over to the house..we need to talk.” I sent it to her.

I really hope she came as soon as I sent the text message.

I wasn't sure if she was going to come but if she decided to, I arranged the whole house because I really neglected it the past few days that had gone by.

Just as I rounded up the cleaning after a few minutes, I heard the doorbell ring.

I was so excited that I rushed to open the door.

“Lizzy!” I said as I opened the door.

“Hey Hubby, did you miss me??”

“Cassandra?? What the hell are you doing here??”


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