Chapter 21

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My Mother went back home very early the next day as she got an urgent call from my Father to come back in regards to work and so she left and told me she was going to be back soon.

I loved my Mother and I knew she wanted the best for me but sometimes she doesn't know how to convey her messages.

Going back to school to teach was so difficult since my Mother already blew my cover.

I didn't know what was going to happen or if things were going to change but I crossed my mind and decided to go in hopes of also seeing Lizzy to explain to her everything that had happened.

After getting dressed, I drove off to school and as I went inside, I got a lot of stares from the students around.

I kept wondering deep inside of me if something had happened again but I went straight to my class.

Before the classes began, the principal walked up to where I was sitting and asked me to see him in his office.

I followed him and as soon as I entered his office, I saw some teachers seated there as well.

“Please sit down.” the principal said.

I sat down as I kept on wondering what was wrong.

Just then, one of the teachers stood up and said,

“Please on behalf of the teachers seated here, I deeply want to apologize to you and also your Mother for everything that transpired here in the school.”

I was so confused and didn't know what was going on and the reason for the apologies.

“What is going on??” I asked out of confusion.

“We got a Letter from the Ministry of Education this morning giving us warnings concerning the activities going on in the school.” the principal said.

To say I was shocked by what the principal just said was an understatement.

Just between yesterday and today my Mother did what was in her mind but I was glad it was just a warning that was served to the school and not immediate closure.

“So, please forgive us and as for Robin, he has been placed on a black list.”

“You all don’t need to apologize….as long as the right thing has been done, then it is okay.” I said.

“Thank you so much Mr Justine.” the principal said and the other teachers thanked me as I went back to my class.


I was so worried about Justine and the fact that I haven't heard from him just made my worry even more intense.

I couldn't call him because I assumed he was very busy and so I decided I would talk to him whenever I met him at school.

After getting dressed up for school, I left in hopes that I would meet with Justine and have a proper conversation with him but at the same time, I was scared because I didn't want to run into Robin at school.

As soon as I got to school and walked through the hallway, a student walked up to me.

“Hey Elizabeth, how are you doing today??” she asked.

I looked at her strangely because I couldn't understand the reason for the sudden niceness.

“I am fine.” I said nervously.

“Are you sure???...Do you need anything??” she asked again.

“No I don't…thank you.” I said as I quickly walked away.

She wasn't the only one who was nice to me as others joined in before I even got to class.

I had to quickly meet with Tracy to ask her what was going on.

It took me a few minutes searching for her but I finally found her.

“Hey Tracy, how are you doing.” I said out of breath.

“I am fine…but are you okay??” She asked, looking so concerned.

“You noticed it right??” I asked.

“Noticed what??”

“The sudden niceness from everyone in school today.”

“Ohh that means you haven't heard what happened.”

“Did something bad happen??” I asked in fear.

“My dear, when Justine was called upon to meet Robin's parents, suddenly Mr Justine's Mother walked him and threatened to close the school as she said that Mr Justine was going to resign effective immediately.” she said.

“Wait what??!!!”

“That was not all oh.”

“There is more???” I said.

“Yes….this morning the school was served with a letter from the Ministry of Education giving the school warnings about the activities that had been going on and the best of all is that Robin has been placed on the schools black list.” she said.

I was so dumbfounded that I didn't know how to respond to her.

The question that kept on ringing in my head was how could so much happen in just so little time.

As much as I was surprised about what had happened, I was still sad that Robin had been placed on the school's black list.

“I thought Mr Justine must have told you all of these.” she said.

“No, I haven't had the time to speak with him.”

“I think you should ask him so that you would understand more about whatever is going on.” she said.

“I will…thanks so much for this information Tracy…I really appreciate it.”

“You are hurry off to class.”

Just as I was about to enter my class, I saw Angel yell my name from a distance.

I stopped in my tracks out of fear and saw as she ran over to where I was.

“I am sorry for stopping you from attending class.” she said.

I looked around in confusion trying to make sure I was the one who she was talking to.

It was strange because normally, Angel always spoke rudely to me and so her saying sorry was totally strange to me.

“Is there any problem??” I asked her.

“I want to beg you for something important and if you even want me to kneel down, I would do it just for what I am about to ask.”

Today was indeed a strange day.

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