Chapter 8

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“Elizabeth, I think I am in love with you.” I said as my heartbeat increased in pace.

This was the very first time ever in my life I have admitted my feelings to someone while my heart was racing like it's about to pop out of my chest.

I know this is wrong on all levels especially the fact that she is my student but I just can't help it as Elizabeth makes me feel things I haven't felt before.

She just kept staring at me like I just spoke some kind of foreign language.

“Say something Lizzy.” I said out of desperation.

“I….I….don't know what to say sir.” Elizabeth answered nervously.

At that moment, I was beginning to have a little regret telling her about how I felt for her.

“Just say something Lizzy, anything at all because your silence is killing me.” I said.

“Sir???” she said.

It was at that moment I knew I fucked up so bad.

“Look Lizzy, you don't have to say anything to me at the moment okay, just go home and think about what I said and I await your response soon okay???” I said.

“Okay sir.” she said.

“And one more thing, it's not sir to you but Justine yeah??”

“Ok sir…I mean Justine.” she said shyly.

Honestly, I didn't want Elizabeth to go back to her stepmother's house because I knew those people didn't mean well for her and because of her current condition,I couldn't bring myself to tell her who was responsible for locking her up in the cold room.

But one thing I was sure of was that when the time was right, I would tell her the truth and accept any decision she makes.

I waited till she boarded a bus and went home and I went back home too to get some rest since it's been such a long day.


“Mr Justine is in love with me, Mr Justine is in love with me.” My subconsciousness just kept singing.

It was unbelievable because first, looking at myself I definitely know that no one in his right complete senses will want to even look at me talkless of falling in love with a chubby girl like me. Everyone calls me all kinds of names but he is the first person who called me little girl meaning he doesn't care about my body size.

And secondly, Mr Justine was any girl's dream.

He was tall, chiseled faced, his dark ocean blue eyes would make any girl fall in an instant and he was bulked up.

I knew that from how tight his clothes were on his body.

There were a lot of girls out there more beautiful, more classy and more intelligent than I was and so I was definitely not in his league.

The truth is that I feel something for him too but I don't want to include him in my personal constant problems and I also don't want to get him into trouble with the school authority and so I have to stay as far away from him as possible.

I finally got home and I knocked on the door countless times but there was no response.

“Is anyone home???!!!” I yelled but got no response again.

I was about to knock again when someone opened the door.

“Mommy good afternoon ma.” I greeted my step mother.

“Keep that useless greeting of yours to yourself.” she said.

“By the way, what are you doing here???” she added.

I looked around confused as to who he was referring to.

“Me???” I asked.

“No, Your stupid late Mother.” she said as she hissed.

“I'm sorry Ma'am.”

“I ask again, what are you doing here???”

“I was just discharged from the hospital a few minutes ago and that is why I am back home.” I said with fear.

“Back home to where?? You are a joker.” she said as she chuckled.

“What did I do ma'am??” I asked as tears began to gather in my eyes.

“Oh you think I won't find out that you went to your boyfriends house to stay there for a whole month and now you are coming back after he sent you away.”

“Ah mommy no ohhh!!!! I was in a coma for a whole month I swear to you.” I said nervously.

“Who is your Mother, You shameless stupid girl??  if you know what is good for you, go back to your boyfriend's house this instant!!” she yelled at me.

I knelt down immediately as I began to cry and plead.

“Mommy pleaseeee I beg of you, I was in the hospital and not in any boy’s house pleaseee I am telling you the truth.” I pleaded.

“Ok so you are now calling me a liar right???” she asked.

“No, I can never do such a thing, I am telling you the truth ma'am I swear by my late Mother.” I pleaded still in tears.

“I am going inside and before I come back out, I don't want to see you here.” she said as she went inside the house and slammed the door.

I burst into uncontrollable tears.

I didn't know where to go from here and who to help me as I was all alone.

“Pleasee ma'am just open the door for me, I have nowhere to go.” I pleaded in tears.

I didn't know how long I pleaded for, but I knew I was still outside sobbing and pleading till it was dark.

I was getting tired and weak from constantly banging the door and crying and so I stood up from the ground and walked away from the house.

Where I was going was unknown to me but I knew that I was walking away in frustration hoping that something would just end my life as I was tired and couldn't bear the pain I was feeling anymore.

It started raining so much and I was completely drenched in the rain and was shivering badly.

The only place I had in mind to go was my school and so I just walked all the way there inside the rain.

After what seemed like forever, I got to my school and weirdly the door was opened and immediately I went inside, My vision suddenly became blurry.

I lost my senses as I held my hands over my head in confusion and before I could take another inch forward, I fell to the ground and welcomed darkness.

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