Chapter 22

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“Angel, what is the matter??” I asked.

“It is about Robin.” she said.

“And what about him??”

“Didn't you hear he was placed on the school's black list??”

“Yes, I just heard.” I said.

“Please I want you to speak to your teacher friend Mr Justine and plead with him so Robin’s name can be put off the black list.” she said.

I knew the second Angel came to me with sweet words that she was up to no good again.

“I am sorry but I can't do that.” I said.

“But why??”

“I am not close to Mr Justine…the fact that he had saved my life doesn't make us close because he could as well do the same for anybody.” I said.

The last thing I wanted was for people to know my relationship with Justine and then use that as a leverage to spread rumors that could get him into trouble.

“Please na Elizabeth…okay even if you aren't close to him, can you at least try to talk to him??”

“But why are you so concerned about Robin??” I asked out of curiosity.

“Because I have a good heart and I am not happy about what happened to him.” she said.

“But you were happy about what happened to me.”

“The past is in the past Elizabeth so please try to talk to Mr Justine so Robin can be pardoned.”

“No problem, I will try my best.” I said.

“Thank you so much.” she said as she walked away.

I had to speak with Justine as soon as possible because all these things happening at once still looked strange to me.

After attending classes for that day and being told to prepare for our upcoming last high school exam, I was ecstatic but also nervous because I really wanted to study at a good University.

I finally saw Justine at the staff room alone and as soon as he saw me, his face lit up as he wanted to hug me but kept his distance.

We left the staff room and went to his class and as soon as he locked the door, he gave me a bear hug which I returned back.

He told me how he missed me and also told me everything that had happened up until Robin's placement in the black list.

“Wow, I couldn't believe that a lot could happen in just two days.” I said.

“My dear, a lot could happen in just a few minutes or seconds so you had better believe it.”

“So does this mean that I am not getting bullied anymore??” I asked.

“Yes my thick queen, that is exactly what it means.”

To say I was happy was an understatement as my joy knew no bounds.

“But I am a bit sad.” I said.

“And why is that???”

“Because Robin was placed on a black list.”

“Robin got what he deserved and I know because of your kind heart, that is why you are feeling this way.”

“I guess…and also my stepsister stopped me earlier on and said she wanted to speak with me.”

“What about??”

“She was acting all nice and pleading with me to beg you so that Robin's name can be removed from the black list.”

“Your step sister has definitely grown wings.”

“I was even surprised.” I said.

“If she is not careful, her name will also appear on that black list.” Justine said.

“That is not really any of my business anymore as I want to concentrate on writing my exams so I can be accepted in a university.”

“Do you have any university in mind you would love to attend??” he asked.

“Yes, about two of them…..depending on the one I get accepted into.”

“Then there is no problem…Just concentrate on your studies and all will be fine.”

“I will…thanks a lot Justine.”

“You are welcome dearie.”

“Let us go home…it is getting late.” Justine said.

We both left the school together and went on our various destinations.




Everything was going well as I doubled my efforts on my studies.

Although I was still sent on a lot of errands, that didn't stop me from dedicating time on my studies.

I studied mostly at night and ran errands and school during the day.

As for punishment, I did everything possible to avoid any form of punishment from my Stepmother so it won't affect my studies.

Justine was still being supportive as he woke me up to read constantly at night so I wouldn't fall asleep.

I had a set goal and fulfilling it was the only thing in my mind.

After doing my early morning chores, I dressed up and went straight to school because I had a test that morning.

I was no longer scared of going to school because I wasn't bullied anymore.

Just as I opened my locker to collect my books, I saw a white paper that looked like a letter falling on the ground.

I picked it up and the name I saw on the letter sent cold shivers down my spine.

It read “FROM ROBIN.”

What could the letter contain.


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