Chapter 24

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“What should I do?? What should I do??” I said to myself as I paced back and forth.

I stared at the three pregnancy strips as it showed positive.

How could I be pregnant at that age….my life was ruined and the worst thing was that I didn't know who got me pregnant.

I decided to try my luck to tell all the guys I had slept with that I was pregnant to see who would accept the child but all of them denied me.

One of them even almost killed me as he threw me out of his house.

I knew I had to tell my Mother sooner or later because she was definitely going to find out.

“How could I have ruined my life like this??” I thought to myself.

I finally went home to see my Mother and inform her of the news hoping she would accept it with open arms.

I entered my Mother’s room.

Mother, I want to speak with you.” I said.

“Hope whatever you are about to tell me has a good explanation why you missed out on your school exams.” she asked angrily.

“Kind of Mom.” I said nervously.

“Then what is it??”

“Mother, I am pregnant.”

That moment when there was silence before the storm was exactly what I was experiencing.

Suddenly my Mother started laughing so hard and I stared at her in confusion.

“What is funny Mother??” I asked.

“Please don't play such pranks on me…you know I don't like them.” she said.

“But Mother I am not playing any pranks…I am really pregnant.”

“You must be out of your stupid mind.” she said.

That was the first time ever my Mother insulted me and it scared me.

“So to think I used my hard earned money to train you in school and when your mates are giving their parents good news about getting admission into universities, you come here telling me you are pregnant.”

“But Mother it is your grandchild we are talking about.”

Suddenly, my Mother was looking around like she was searching for something.

She took a remote control beside her and was about to throw it at me when I stormed out of her room screaming.

I ran to the living room still screaming as my Mother followed me there.

“By the way, who impregnated you??” she asked.

“I….I…don't know.” I said stuttering.

“What do you mean by you dont know??”

“I don't know who impregnated me Mother because all the guys I went to tell all denied the pregnancy.” I said.

“All the guys!!!.....Jesus ohhh….this girl has finished me.” my Mother yelled as I kept a reasonable distance from her.

“My enemies have finally succeeded.” she continued lamenting.

She was about to hit me when Elizabeth walked in pleading with her not to.

“Oh you have come to tell me you are also pregnant abi??” my Mother asked Elizabeth.

“No, Mother, as a matter of fact I came to tell you I got Admission into a university with a fully funded scholarship.” she said.

And just like that my Mother became so quiet like water was poured on her body.

She looked at me with such deadly eyes.

“Can you hear what your sister just said??” she asked me.

“Sister, since when did she become my Sister??” I asked in confusion about my Mothers sudden change of behavior.

“So you still have the mouth to ask me questions right??”

She was about to charge at me again when Elizabeth blocked the road pleading on my behalf.

I instantly became sad thinking about those times I maltreated Elizabeth but here she was trying to help me out.

“My daughter Elizabeth, I am so sorry for the way I treated you before…I didnt know things would turn out like this and that my own daughter will bring disgrace to me now.” she said to Elizabeth.

“Oh you have turned a new leaf now right?? But all those times when you were treating her like an outcast and calling her a witch you didn't know things would turn out this way.” I said out of anger.

“If I am in this predicament right now it is only because of you!!!” I yelled as tears gathered in my eyes.

“How is it because of me??” my mother asked.

“You were the one who encouraged me in doing bad things and now you are turning on me??”

“So if I told you to jump into fire, would you equally do that abi??” she asked.

“Ah, so that is what you will say mother??”

“What do you expect me to say…oh you are doing well my darling, keep up the good work right??”

“I regret having you as a mother!!! I hate you so much!!!” I yelled as tears streamed down my eyes.

“Angel, no need to cry that crocodile tears of yours ohh…I am not going to raise anybody's bastard child in this house.”

“So what are you saying??” I asked.

“What I am saying is that I want you to go and pack your things and get out and go leave with whoever got you pregnant.” she said.

Oh I am finished.


Sorry for late post guys, sickness dealt with me,I'm still on medications and I pray for speedy recovery

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