Chapter 23

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I opened the letter slowly as I was scared and unsure of what was written inside.

As soon as I opened it fully, it read.

“Dear Elizabeth, I know you must be confused and wondering what the content of this letter is but not to worry as I am writing from my heart…..Firstly, I want to apologize for all the pains I had cost you through my behavior and bullying..I deeply apologize and I hope you find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me. I wasn't doing it out of hatred but actually the opposite….I was in love with you but I didn't realize it until the school dance party but I just didn't know what was wrong with me for me to have behaved the way I did…..anyway, I am not going to be a bother to you as my parents are sending me abroad to continue my studies under the strict supervision of my uncle over there. I really wish you the very best Elizabeth and I am sorry once again…Take care and have a nice life.

                                                                                      Yours apologetically, Robin.”

I read it over and over again as I couldn't believe my eyes.

I had so many questions in my head but I couldn't find the answers to any of them.

After taking out my books from the locker, I decided to keep the letter with me and show it to Justine later on.

The test went smoothly but I didn't see Justine at school.

I texted him when I got home to find out the reason for his absence and he told me he wasn't feeling too strong.

Something in me wanted to visit him so badly but I knew my stepmother would have my head and I was seriously avoiding any form of trouble with her at least until my exams were finished.

I also told Justine about the letter from Robin and he laughed and said he was glad Robin was finally far away from me as he wouldn't have loved to share me with anyone.

The days went by so smoothly but I noticed something strange.

My stepsister Angel was always absent minded and she wasn't coming to school as often anymore.

Sometimes she would appear maybe twice in a whole week and wasn't even concerned about the coming exams.

She also did not sleep in the house as much as she used to and so I assumed maybe that something was going on with her that was more serious than her studies.

The very first day my exams started, I fell seriously sick.

I was so sick that I couldn't move around properly.

My body temperature was so high that my body could fry eggs and I had blurry vision.

I was running late and so I told Justine about what was going on with me and he came over to pick me up but he parked his car a little bit far from my house where it couldn't be seen.

When I entered the car, I was feeling weak and so he got me an energy and strength booster drink just enough for me to write the paper of that day before getting drugs.

“This is examination fever.” Justine said.

“I guess I overworked my body reading and handling loads of house chores.”

“Don't worry, you will be fine and I will make sure of that.” he said.

During the exam, Justine had to invigilate the hall I was writing just to look after me.

He would occasionally come to me in pretense of checking my booklet for malpractice and ask me quietly if I was feeling alright.

It was so sweet of him and I appreciated it.

After that day, Justine took so much care of me.

He would buy me food before the exams started and after and also made sure I took my drugs.

He even came to pick me up from the house till I was fully better to transport myself to school on my own.

And just like that, exams were over and I couldn't be happier.

I applied to the two universities I loved and waited patiently for me to get accepted.

Through the phone Justine had given to me, I checked my emails regularly for any sign of acceptance from the schools but it was futile.

As for my best friend Tracy, she gave me the best news ever as she told me she got a scholarship to study at a university abroad.

As much as I was happy for her, I was still sad that I wouldn't see my best friend anymore.

She was the only aside from Justine who stuck with me through thick and thin and I was genuinely so happy for her success and achievement.

The tension in me rose as I got news about other people getting Admission from the same universities I applied to.

Justine was the one who kept on encouraging me not to lose hope and that I would get in.

Another thing bothered me and that was how I was going to pay my tuition fee if I got the Admission.

One faithful day, I just finished cleaning the house and went back to my room when I got an email notification.

I rushed faster than the speed of light to check and behold, one of the universities I applied to gave me Admission with a fully funded tuition scholarship as I was one of the best students who wrote their entrance exams.

I couldn’t contain my joy as I called Justine and informed him of the good news.

He was equally happy for me and I could tell from the way he sounded on the phone.

I decided to tell my stepmother about the good news too and just as I was about to open the door to her room I heard Angel say,

“Mother, I am pregnant.”

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