Brittana 1.2

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Brittany halted Sams hands for about the tenth time but now its for a different reason. She pulled away from the kiss but instead of stopping he attacked her neck.

"Sam stop," Brittany huffed. He pulled away with a pout on his face, "Babe, come on."

Brittany rolled her eyes and got off her bed to walk to the front door. Sam followed behind pulling his shirt on but froze as he saw Santana standing infront of Brittany.

"Santana," Brittany whispers. Santana smirks and steps in.

"Hey Britt-Britt," Sam scratched his neck awkwardly as Brittany let Santana freely move around her living room. He felt the intensity of Santanas glare, "Vagina lips, leave me and Britt need to speak."

"I-i was here first, Santana," Sam argued. Santana rolled her eyes and resorted, "Your telling that to the girl who dated her for over a year and fucked her for two before?"

Brittany blushed and Sam flushed with anger. He looked to Brittany for defence but she looked down, "Sam, I think you should listen to Santana."

Sam glared at Santana who looked overjoyed that Brittany basically chose her already. "Are you serious Brittany? You're choosing the girl who left over a fucking energy exchange?!"

Brittanys head snaps up and she glares at Sam, "I didn't chose Santana I just want to see what she has to say." Sam rolls his eyes and storms out the door slamming it behind.

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