Brittana 5 and samcedes 1

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Brittany walked down the hall of her, Santanas, Sam and Mercedes apartment. She went to grab her keys when Sam was in front of her. "Where are you going?" He asked with a bright smile.

"McDonald's." Sam grinned widely, "Sweet! Can I come?" He was practically bouncing up and down making her smile widely and nod quickly.

"Yeah! Get your shoes on now and we will go." He nodded and ran to his room and put his shoes on as he ran to Brittany, stumbling a bit. As Brittany goes to open the door she yells, "Me and Sam are going out for food, what do you want!"

Mercedes hummed and yelled back, "What are you getting?" "McDonald's!" She thought for a moment before responding, "I'll send you what I want." Brittany nodded and yelled again, "Ok!"

Her and Sam both exchanged looks before nodding. They sprinted down the hall and down the stairs of the building to race to the car. Sam ends up in front of Brittany as they're rushing down the stairs and they both lose each other. As he runs out the door she is leaning against her car wearing a smirk.

"Shit," he muttered. Brittany's smirked widened, "Guess you're buying Sammy boy."


Mercedes scrolled on her phone when her bedroom door swung open. "Where's Brittany?" Santana asked. Mercedes just shrugged, "She went out with Sam to get food."

Santanas eyes widened and she looked at Mercedes in disbelief, "You let them out on their own?! With money and a car?!" Mercedes eyes widened at the tone and hesitantly nodded.

"Did you forget the last time they went out alone for pencils and ended up coming back with a fucking sofa and no pencils!" Mercedes face filled with realisation and she quickly went on her phone to call Sam but she got no answer.

"Fuck, we just have to wait for them now. Good job mercedes," Santana muttered with sarcasm while Mercedes frowned.


"SO I PUT MY HANDS UP. THEY'RE PLAYIN' MY SONG, THE BUTTERFLIES FLY AWAY. I'M NODDIN MY HEAD LIKE YEAH. MOVING MY HIPS LIKE YEAH." It had been around 2 hours since they left and instead of driving to McDonald's they drove to a animal adoption Center.

Don't ask how they got a cat that quickly, they just did. They were driving home when they drove pass McDonald's. "I GOT MY HA- Brittany! We were meant to get McDonald's." Brittany's eyes widen and she pulled into the car park of McDonald's, " Oh my goddd. You're right."

They went through the drive through and ordered food for all four of them. Even if they hadn't asked Santana they knew she would be annoyed if they didn't, even if she said no.


"Mercedes it's been two hours and they're not here yet. What if they left the state?!" Santana was now panicking, like pacing around the room panicky. Mercedes put her hand on Santanas shoulders and stilled her. As she was about to talk the door opened.

They both looked there and saw Sam walk in holding nothing while Brittany was holding a cardboard box. Mercedes raised her eyebrows as Sam began to talk, "The greatest thing happened as me and Britt were driving. Like we don't know how but we ended up in a adoption Center right so we wer-"

"Don't tell me there's a baby in the fucking box," Santana said with narrowed eyes. Sam shook his head and Brittany took over, "No... do they even sell babies there? Anyways that's not the point so we adopted a cat and we have the perfect name for him."

Mercedes and Santanas jaw dropped, "You got a cat instead of McDonald's?!" Mercedes hissed. "We did get McDonald's after I remembered why we even went out."

"Then where is the McDonald's Sam?" Santana glared at him as he looked down at his hands confused. "I thought I took it in. My bad." Mercedes rolled her eyes and Brittany continued, "So we had two names to pick from. Sam wanted Mcchicken because that's what he usually gets from McDonald's and I wanted lord tubbington because he has really big bones and is like a king." "Actually I wanted it to be Mcchicken because he looks like he ate a lot of them."

"So you got a fat cat?" Brittany gasped and glared at Santana making her step behind Mercedes, "He is not fat he has big bones." Santana reluctantly nodded as Mercedes stepped forward to look in the box.

"Shit he is fa- he has super big bones." Brittany shrugged but then smiled at the cat. "We don't have anything to raise a cat with though," she stated after trying to stroke him but he glared at her. Brittany rubbed his fur and he purred making Mercedes frown, "We can buy things. Use you're brain Mercedes."

Mercedes looked at her weirdly but nodded as she looked at Santana who was now looking at Sam and Brittany as they stroked the cat.

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