Brittana 3/Quam 1

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"Don't lie to me Brittany!" Sam yelled

"I'm not lying Sam!" Brittany groaned. They were at school and Sam once again accused Brittany of cheating after she smiled at Santana who winked at her. 

"She fucking winked at you!" Brittany looked at him weirdly making him get angrier. "Don't look at me like that! I know I'm blonde and dyslexic but I'm not fucking dumb Brittany. I know what that kind of wink means!" 

Brittany rolled her eyes and glared at Sam, "You have trust issues! You know what... we are done!"

Sams eyes widened at his jaw was slack as he saw Brittany storm off. He couldn't believe he fucked up this badly, yeah the wink could of been friendly but its Santana. If she she winks at you there's nothing friendly about that. 

His hands went to his hair and he started pacing but stopped as someone gently held his arm. He went to look to see if it was Brittany but it was Quinn. 

"Hi. Are you ok? Basically everyone heard what happened." Sam looked in her eyes and all he saw was sincerity. 

"Now I am," He replied with a smirk with Quinn easily returned. She had liked Sam as soon as he got in a relationship with Brittany so she discreetly flirted with him. Yeah it was wrong since her and Brittany are super close but she couldn't help it. 

Brittany stormed down the hall and accidentally walked straight into someone. "Watch whe- Brittany! Hi!"

Brittany looked up and saw Santana leaning down to help her up. "Hi Santana."

She grinned at Brittany but it turned into a frown as she saw Brittanys glassy eyes. "Whats up?"

Brittany shook her head and mumbled, "Nothing," but Santana wasn't having it. She took Brittany to a empty class room and started to rub Brittanys arm as they sat down. 

"Come on, you can tell me anything." Santana tried to coax it gently but Brittany just stared at her lap. After a few more minuets of Santana trying to get Brittany to talk it finally worked. 

"Me and Sam broke up." Santana had to hide her happiness as she looked sympathetically at Brittany. 

"You don't have to tell me but why?" Brittany looked at Santana and searched her eyes to see what Santana was feeling. Brittany saw concern, sympathy but hidden behind all that was happiness and a bit of longing. 

"He accused me of cheating again because... you... winked at me." Santana looked confused making Brittany smile softly. 

"Seriously?" Santana dropped her hand to Brittanys thigh and began to rub it softly, making Brittanys breath hitch ever so slightly. 

"Yeah. Like you're hot and all but I'm not a cheater." Santana nodded as she felt a smirk grow on her face. Instead of rubbing Brittanys thigh she was squeezing it. 

"You think I'm hot?" Brittany instantly blushed and looked away from Santana. 

Santana grabbed Brittanys chin with her free hand and made Brittany look at her. "Who doesn't think you're hot Santana?"

She just laughed lightly and shook her head before leaning closer to Brittany. 

"Sam..." Quinn lightly said but he shook his head. 

"She has been cheating on me all this time?! What?!" He hissed. 

Quinns eyes widened, she might of told Sam a tiny lie to make him feel better but it backfired... clearly. "You need to move on already Sam."

He looked at her before nodding eagerly. "You're right Quinn."

"So what ar-hmmph," Before she could even finish Sams lips were on hers. She quickly responded licking his bottom lip, which he quickly let her tongue slide in. 

Brittany looked at Santana who pulled Brittanys face closer. "Is this ok?" she whispered. 

Brittanys mind was blank, she wasn't think about Sam or the consequences so she dumbly nodded. "Great," Santana hummed before closing the distance. 

Her eyes fluttered shut as Santana deepened the kiss. When she hummed into Santanas mouth making Santana smile. 

Soon Santana was making her way onto Brittanys lap as she kissed down Brittanys neck while Brittany slipped her fingers into Santanas pants. 

"Shit!" Santana moaned as Brittanys fingers slid down her. Her teeth sunk into Brittanys neck causing Brittany to thrust deep into her. 

"Fuck Sam!" Quinn squeaked as he rolled his hips into her. Her legs wrapped around her waist forcing him to go deeper. 

"Oh yeah!" he grunted, if Sam knew what he said during it he would be embarrassed but that didn't phase Quinn as she moved her hips in time with his. 

"Brittany, deeper!" Santana cried out as she continuously bucked against Brittanys hand. 

"Harder!" Quinn moaned which grew louder as Sam listened to her request. 

AN: I've never cringed this much writing a story and that's saying smith tbh but I hope u enjoyed. 

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