Frinner / Blind Date

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"Hey, Santana, do you want to, like, get dinner?" Sam asked while his phone was wedged between his shoulder and ear as he spread chocolate on a slice of bread.

He heard Santana grunt after a few seconds of sitting in silence. "Dinner? Sam you know I'm a lesbian right," He smiled dumbly but slapped his hand on his sandwich once he finished.

"Yeah I know that. It's a friend dinner, you know? It's a frinner!" He cheered excitedly.

Santana rolled her eyes and took a bite of an apple, "Don't say frinner, it sounds offensive and sure I'll get dinner with you."

Sam grinned smugly, "Awesome. It's at breadstixs. Meet you there at 6. Bye!"

Before Santana could say anymore Sam hung up and dialled another number.


"Brittany! Hey," Sam forced his tone to stay calm as he was practically jumping up and down his apartment.

"Sam? What's up?"

"So I know this girl right. And I think, no, actually I know she's your type. So I was wondering if you want to go on a date with her because she's up for it," he took a bite of his sandwich mid way but didn't falter as he rambled.

"Uh... do I get to know anything about her?"

"Nope. So do you wanna go or no?"

"I guess. Sure."

"It's at breadstix. Reservation is at 6."

"Wait Sam. Before you hang up can I as-" Sam hung up again and threw his phone onto his couch as he leaned against his table with a proud grin.


"I'm really glad my friend is a now show tonight."


Santana stared at Brittany who had her head tilted in confusion. "You're not my blind date?"

She shook her head and tightly pressed her lips together while Brittany stuttered, "A-And you didn't think to tell me that earlier?"

"I so would have but I was having too much fun."

Brittany blushed shyly and meekly admitted, "Me too."

After a few seconds of Santana just staring at Brittany, the blonde ended up shaking her head, "I'm going to kill Sam."

The girl let out a light chuckle while Santana asked, "Did you say Sam?"

"Yeah, my neighbour. Sam Evans," Brittany confirmed with a grin. 

Santana's mouth was slightly ajar as she stared off into space while the blonde took a small bite of her shrimp.


A ring echoed through Sam's bedroom making him smirk slightly as he answered the call on the second ring, "Hello, Santana. Dinner must of gone well."

Santana had her hands on the steering whee, "Sam what did you do."

"What needed to be done," Sam stood up from his bed and fixed his messy hair while smiling like a dope at the sight of his girlfriend tangled in his sheets after watching a long movie.

"You set me up on a date without even talking to me about it!" Santana whined loud enough for Mercedes to hear her.

Sam grabbed a bottle and took a sip before shrugging slightly, "You weren't going to do anything yourself so I gave you a little nudge. Is that so bad?"

"Yes it's bad! I don't need a nudge and that woman isn't even my type. She's... she-she's obnoxious," Santana tried to convince him as she made her way to her house.

"Yeah, that sounds awful... so when are you seeing her again?" He asked brightly as he snuggled back next to Mercedes.

Santana stayed quiet for a moment before mumbling, "Friday."


Sam grabbed the bag of trash from Mercedes who smiled adoringly at him. He pressed a quick kiss on her cheek before leaving the room and putting the bag against his wall as he checked the letters and post left on the chair.

Suddenly there was quiet footsteps close by him. He turned to look at Brittany's apartment to see Santana shut the door quietly with a wince.

He grinned and took in her appearance. Her messy hair, smeared make up, hickeys adorning her neck and a skin tight dress that no one should be wearing at 9am.

"Santana?" He called out, watching as she stiffened before looking at him.

His jaw dropped at the guilty look on her face and even more hickeys going down a lot further then her neck.

Santana just shook her head and walked away, holding heels in her hand as she rushed down the building stairs.

Soon after Santana left San stayed rooted in his spot and before he knew it Brittany walked out her apartment with a smirk.

"Last night was fun, huh?" Brittany's eyes widened and she spun to face Sam. Soon her eyes narrowed and he just took quick steps to his door.

As he rushed in he yelled out, "Don't forget to cover your hickeys!" Quickly after that there was repeated hard knocks on his door and Brittany yelling at him to let her in but he ignored her request and jumped onto the seat next to Mercedes.

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