Finchel 1

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"Rachel, Please!"

"No Finn! You had sex with Santana of all people!"

He rolled his eyes, "Babe that was sophomore year! And you can tell she is gay!" Rachel scoffed and glared at him. 

"If she is gay why did she fuck you, puck, sam and so many other guys!"

Finn rubbed his forehead and groaned, "Artie literally said that the reason him and Brittany broke up was because she was having sex with Santana!"

Rachel rolled her eyes and resorted, "Is there any proof of that?"

Finn nodded, "Yeah he showed me a voice message he got from Santana and it was her moaning Brittanys name and shit like that while Brittany was calling her hot and pet names."

Rachel narrowed her eyes in disgust, "What?"

"It was kinda hot but weird at the same time."

"What the fuck Finn?" Rachel hissed. Finn threw his hands up, "Both things happened when we weren't together."

Santana walked out of her class room and smirked at them, "Trouble in paradise?" 

"Fuck off Lezpez," Finn whisper yelled through gritted teeth. Santanas eyes widened and she glared at him. "I'm not a lesbian!"

Finn scoffs and said, "I heard the voice note you sent to Artie." Her eyes bugged out, "T-that was f-fake."

Rachel interrupted them, "I don't care if it was fake or not, it probably wasn't, but I only care about that Finn lost his virginity to you!"

Santana rolled her eyes, "He wasn't even good."

Finn frowned and went to protest but Rachel scoffed, "Go away Santana."

Santana smirked, "Ok hobbit."

Rachel glared at Santana who walked back into class. "Rachel, I love you please just get over it, I felt nothing because... I wanted to lose it to you."

Her glare softened, "Finn I love you too but why would you lose your virginity to a random hook up with a slut."

Finn looked away, "I was jealous since you were with Jesse and he was like all over you, so when Santana offered me a chance I thought it would be a good idea but it wasn't."

Rachel smiled and walked closer to Finn. "I just hated the fact that it was Santana instead of me."

Finn wrapped his arms around Rachel and placed his chin on the top of her head, "Me too Rach, me too."

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