Definitely their kid

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A/N: Brinn is brittany when her family thought she was a boy

Brinn slid down the hallway, his short blonde hair lifted by the air. His arms flapped violently as he ran around his house squawking so loudly his sister slammed the door and started to blast music.

He froze momentarily once hearing the familiar intro of 'Bye Bye Bye' but soon ran up the stairs only slipping twice.

He pushed his sisters door open and started replicating the choreography from the music video. Sarah groaned and tried to shove him out by pushing his head, "Brinn! Get out! You're a boy you're not meant to like this!"

Brinn huffed and crossed his arms, "I don't wanna be a boy then!"

Sarah started to smirk and reached for her makeup bag, "Oh really?"

One he saw her take out the eye shadow he attempted to make a run for it but she had her arm wrapped around his waist and she swung the door shut, hiding his girlish screams from their parents.


Santana laid on her bed, kicking her brother as he cowered over her his fingers poking her most sensitive spots. "MAMI!" She screamed but to no avail.

Diego smirked wickedly as she wiggled in his grip but his tickling didn't falter. "Mamá no te quiere lo suficiente como para preocupars," he teased.

His grin slowly twitched into a frown once he saw her eyes grow increasingly watery and her lip quivering, "San?"

That's all it took for the 5 year old to burst into water works, shoving her brother away and rolling over. Diego's eyes widened and he quickly pulled her small body into his while whispering repeatedly, "Lo siento."


André ran in his living room, dodging his mom that was chasing after him. He acted as if he was a bird, arms recreating their wings as he made noises that were meant to be one of an ostrich.

Brittany groaned as she slipped on their rug once again, letting her son get further ahead of her. Santana watched the scene with a smirk before growing tried of it and walking out to her garden before calling out, "Babe, look there's a butterfly."

Brittany and André quickly ran to where Santana was standing but they both frowned as there was nothing but a clear blue sky. Just as Santana was about to laugh André started sobbing loudly, throwing himself into Brittany's leg.

"¡¿Por qué mentirías sobre eso?!" André screeched, glaring at Santana as he rubbed his snotty nose on Brittany's jeans.

Brittany quickly pulled him into her arms and whispered something making him rush to to living room before one direction was echoing in the house.

"He's really like you," Brittany nudged Santana gently with her elbow.

Santana rolled her eyes, "Why did he have to get the worst traits of us as children."

Brittany laughed softly but shrugged, "At least we know he's our kid."

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