Brittana 8

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Puck grins at Santana as Quinn heads to the bathroom. "Why are you looking at me like that? It's weird," she asks.

He starts smirking as he intertwines his fingers and says, "As you are aware, it's your special day."

"Really?" Santana frowns and rolls her eyes at him. "Is that so? My birthday?"

His smirk deepens as Santana looks around before he says, "Don't act like that. But as I am one of the best friends you could ask for, I got you a gift."

"Oh? What did you get me?" she inquired.

Puck leans closer to Santana after noticing that Quinn hasn't returned yet, "I got you a session with this chick called the human brain."

"The human brain? What kind of name is that?" Santana questions as Quinn finally comes back into sight.

Puck shrugs, "Dunno but I think the brain part is because she gives good head."

Santanas face scrunched in distaste, "So you got me a hook-up with a straight girl?"

Quinn sits down with a frown, "What about a hook-up?"

"I got Santana a session with this really hot girl who isn't straight. She swings both ways," Quinn glares at Puck, and then she glances at Santana, who starts to smile.


"Are you even sure she's hot? I don't want another Rachel situation," Puck rolls his eyes as he shoves Santana closer to the hotel entrance.

Santana sends him a look over her shoulder as she slowly walks up the stairs, "I don't know if she's hot Santana I haven't tried her out yet."

"Now don't be a pussy because she's waiting and it's only for an hour so have fun," He calls out as walks to his car while Santana pushes the doors open.

After 10 minutes of checking in Santana finally makes her way to room 225. She stands in front of the door for a few seconds before knocking and hearing a soft voice call out her name.

Despite not knowing what the girl looks like Santana melts at the way her name rolls off her tongue, "Y-yeah it's Santana."

She can hear a smirk in the girl's voice, "Are you going to come in or just stay outside?"

Santana fiddles with her dress before reaching out to grab the door handle. When she opened the door she's pretty sure her heart skipped a beat when her eyes met the piercing blue ones.


The girl stilled Santana's wrist when her phone started vibrating. Santana pulled away with a breathless, "What?"

"Nothing... it's just that the times up," Santana pouted.

Brittany smiled at Santana and tucked the dark hair behind her ear as she spoke, "But we just started."

"And that's because you wanted to get to know me first," Santana nods with an embarrassed look on her face.

Santana spoke out, "I know but like I don't want to sleep with someone I barely know, you know?"

She received a nod from the blonde but Brittany didn't make a move to release her gentle hold on Santana's wrist until Santana started making a pouty face at Brittany who gave in.

"Ok fine... one more round and that's it," Brittany declared as her hands moved to Santana's back.


Santana and Brittany lay side by side, breathless. Even though Brittany said one more round they took two hours before finally separating.

She tilts her head to the side and looks at Brittany who is staring at the ceiling, "I never knew it could feel like that."

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