Brittana 4

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"I'll miss you Britt," Santana whispered as she held Brittany tight to her. 

Brittany smiled into Santanas hair and when they eventually pull away Brittany wiped Santanas cheek with the pad of her thumb. "I know this will sound like shit from a cheesy romance movie but you will wait for me right? Like no matter what girl you see I'm yours and you're mine."

Santana giggled and leaned closer to Brittany, "You're right, that was cheesy." Brittany laughed and quickly kissed Santana. "After all I said that's what you commented on?" 

She just smiled widely and put her hand on the back of Brittanys neck and pulled her closer, "I'm yours Britt, forever and always." Brittany smiled lovingly at Santana, "I love you Santana."

"I love you too Britt-Britt."

It had been 11 months since Brittany had went to Thailand and Santana has never been better. That was a lie. She had never been worse, somehow in whatever conversation she is in Brittany always came up. Even when she went to bars with Rachel and Kurt, when girls or guys hit on her she would just bring up Brittany to get them to leave. When she is drunk she interrupts the person and starts talking about Brittany, she cries when she does that though making her and the broadway twins leave. 

She had gotten a new friend Dani and Santana can tell Dani likes her but she tells Rachel that "Dani has way too much eyeliner." 

"Santana it has been over a yea-" "Nearly a year actually," Rachel rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. She had tried to get Santana to get over Brittany because its been ages but Santana refuses. "Ok, less then a year, but she has never once attempted to reach out to you or even send anything."

It was Santanas turn to roll her eyes, "Thats because where she is they don't allow phones but she has sent me something." Rachel raised an eyebrow, "What did she send."

"Flowers. Although they were dead it was a cute gesture." Rachel just huffed then the door knocked. Santana hoped it was Brittany but she has opened the door so many times she got disappointed it wasn't Brittany.

"Dani! Hi," She heard Rachel say when she opened the door. Then she saw Dani but instead with dyed blue hair, she switched it to blonde making Santana think of Brittany. "I need to go to a audition bye guys," Rachel said with a sly smirk as she left. 

Santana rolled her eyes and soon her and Dani were talking easily. "Why did you dye your hair again?"

Danis grin proudly, "I saw this girl with blonde hair and I just wanted to match it because it looked that good." That wasn't the real reason, she only dyed it that colour to match Brittany and make Santana like her the way she likes Santana.   

"Cool, it suits you." After 15 minuets Dani started to pick up fake hints, even when Santana was talking about Brittany, so she decided to make a move. "She's the best you know? Like her blo-" Santana stopped talking when Dani grabbed the back of her neck started leaning closer. 

"What are you doing?" Santana asked, leaning back as Dani ignored her and moved closer. Suddenly there was a knock at the door making Santana jump out of Danis hold and rushed to the door. When she opened it she let out the loudest noise she could. 

"BRITTANY!" Santana squealed as she lunged at Brittany, wrapping her legs around Brittanys waist and her arms around Brittanys neck. Brittany laughed and quickly put her arms around Santanas torso. "Hi San."

Dani coughed awkwardly, getting their attention. Brittany slowly put Santana down who was reluctant and had a tight hold on Brittany ever after being put on the floor, "Who are you?" Santana looked at  Dani who looked angry, jealous and more. "I'm Dani, uh, Santanas..." "Friend, Dani is just my friend."

Dani somehow looked genially hurt even though Santana never shown that kind of interest in her. Brittany looked at Danis expression and frowned, "If she's just your friend why does she look hurt?" Santana just shrugged, "I don't know but I think it's time she leaves." 

Dani quickly left shooting a glare at Brittany who was looking back at her with furrowed eyebrows, then Santana who was slowly leaning in to kiss Brittany. She slammed the door shut and Santana quickly took Brittanys face in her hands and pulled her into a heated kiss. 

Rachel walked into the apartment and raised her eyebrows as she saw Santana's and someone else's clothes thrown all over the floor. "Did she take my advice?" she whispered as she walked closer to where Santana was sleeping, which was covered by the curtain close to the window. She slowly pulled it open and raised her eyebrows as she saw Santana cuddled up to a blonde girl. Rachel couldn't properly see the blondes face so to see she is going to sprinkle water on then.   

"What the fuck Rachel!" Santana gasped as a bucket of water was thrown onto her. Most of the water hit Santana but the rest hit the blonde who didn't feel it at first. "Oh my god! That is too cold!" she said right after Santana. 

"Brittany?!" Rachel yelled. Brittany nodded and the next thing she knew, Rachel tugged her out of bed and started to hug her. Her eyes widened as she desperately tried to pull away from Rachel and cover herself but Rachels grip was too strong. 

Santana laughed at Brittany making Rachel look at her weirdly but soon Rachel realised. "OH MY GOD! WHY ARE YOU NAKED!" she screeched as she let go of Brittany. Brittany pulled the blanked off the bed not noticing that the blanket was covering Santana.

"Brittany!" Santana yelled getting everyones attention. Brittany laughed at Santana but got into bed and covered the both of them. "Answer my question! Why are you two naked!" Santana looked unamused as Brittany gave Rachel a look. 

Rachels eyes widened and she quickly left the room. They laughed even if it was uncomfortable but their laughter stopped as they heard Rachel trip then yell "Ew!Why is it so wet!" before Santanas panties were thrown over the curtain. 

Santana looked horrified but Brittany giggled then teased, "Why is it so wet." She groaned and hid her face behind a pillow. 

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