jarley 1

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"So class, we have a new student." 

Everyone looked at Mr Shue as he grinned excitedly. After a few minuets of him grinning at the class as they stayed in awkward silence. 

"Are you going to show them or...?" Kurt asked, breaking the silence. 

"You can come in now!" Mr Shue called out. The door slowly opened and a brunette girl with bright blue eyes walked in. 

Most of the guys jaws dropped, who's wouldn't?, but the girl only saw one guy looking at her. Jake Puckerman. 

No one knows his last name though, because anytime he had to sign up for something to wrote his name down it was always Jake nothing else. 

The girl timidly smiled at his which he quickly returned making her cheeks flush a soft pink colour. Jake grinned as she stood next to Mr Shue. 

"Her name is Marley Rose and she is a transfer student from California." Marley waved nervously at the class and all the guys who checked her out earlier nodded at her with smirks on their face. 

"So take a seat next to Unique," He said while waving in her direction. Marley nodded and sat next to Unique who flipped her hair as a greeting or something, no one really knows its just a thing she does. 

"Hi girl, I'm Unique," she says with her soft smile. Marley smiles back, "Hi."

"So... what guy do you like?" Unique eagerly asks. Marleys blushes and stammers, "U-uh." Unique quickly added, "Or girls, I don't judge."

Marley just shakes her head with a smile, "That guy over there is pretty cute." Unique quickly follows Marleys gaze then frowns. 

"Oh, girl, no. Not Jake he is a womaniser." Marley raises her eyebrows, "Are you going to sing the song then." Unique smirks at Marley. 

"I wish but Mr Shue will probably get mad at me if I burst out singing." Marley grins and says, "You never know until you try," Unique gives Marley a look that make her eyes widen.

"You burst to singing in class!? What song?" Unique promptly replies with, "Boogie shoes."

Marleys eyes twinkle with amazement but she is soon looking at Jake as he appears at their table. "Hi Marley."

Marley smiles at him, with blush coating her cheeks, "Hi."  Jake looks to unique who is glaring at him. He shifts awkwardly and looks back at Marley. 

"So, uh, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to work on this project with me?" Marley eagerly nodded making Jake smile a open mouth smile. 

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