Rest In Piece Finn

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Its going to be a school shooting like in that one episode but instead of becky its a actual shooter


Sam froze in the hall as the bang rang through out the school hall. His eyes flickered from student to student as they begin running. Soon there was a tug of his arm, getting his attention.

"Sam!" Finns voice was heard as he tugged Sam to the choir room. Sam finally came to his senses and tried to pull away as he franticly repeated, "Brittany. I need to fucking get Brittany!"

Finn shoved Sam into the choir room where Kitty, Jake, Marley, Sugar and Artie was. "I'll get her just stay here." Sams eyes bugged out as Finn carefully closed the door and quietly ran down the hall.


Brittany pulled her knees up to her chest as she sat on top of the toilet, quietly whimpering. She fumbled dialling Santanas number. After 5 rings Brittany heard a happy, "Hi!"

Brittany sniffled as she heard Santanas voice, "H-hi S-santana." She practically hear Santanas eyebrows raise but before any of them could say anything the bathroom door swung open, hitting the door, with the sound of a gun cocking following.

Brittany's eyes widen and she accidentally whimpers, loudly. She quickly covers her mouth feeling hot tears roll down her cheeks as footsteps move to her stall at a rapid pace.

Her heart was thumbing loudly, her breathing shakey and trembling with fear. Santanas noise was faint from the phone as kicks on the door began to appear frequently.

"No..." she whispers as the door swings open revealing a guy dressed at in black. There was a smirk on his face as he lifted the gun up to Brittany.

"Brittany! Brittany what the fuck is happening?!" That's all Brittany heard before a bang rang out in the bathroom. A scream left her lips as she looked at the blood which was slowly leaving her body and staining her cheerios uniform.

Her eyes filtered shut as she slumped against the toilet, looking lifeless but she still had a faint pulse. Brittany didn't see Finn running into the bathroom, punching the guy who had went to shoot her again.  Another shot rang out and a thud was heard as a body hit the tiled floor. Santanas screams where muffled by Brittany's hand covering the speakers.

Brittany looked up to see Santana, Sam and her parents sitting around her. There where two hands in hers, Santanas and Sam's. Sam was looking at the floor with a frown on his face while Santana was talking to her weeping parents.

Her finger twitched catching Santanas attention. Santanas head snapped to Brittany and a look of relief flooded her face. "Brittany!" She practically yelled as she stood up and moved closer to her, while extending her arm and brushing hair off Brittany's forehead.

Brittany gave her a small smile before Sam and her parents began stressing over her. Yeah they had a right to be but Brittany hated that and the only person who knew was Santana, which was why she stood to the side still holding her hand while smiling softly at her.

After a hour Brittany asked, "How is everyone?" Santana looked nervous as she replied, "Uh- most people where-um- fine but... Finn was also, you know. Shot." She whispered the last word, thinking it might soften the blow.

It didn't though, it did the exact opposite, she looked in disbelief as tears filled her eyes. People didn't think her and Finn were that close, but they were, although they didn't talk that much in school they were inseparable when hanging out by themselves. They were like sibling but not the normal ones, they're the ones closer to each other then they were with the other ones.

"D-did he d-die?" she whispered, looking at Santana with hopeful eyes. Santana avoided her gaze and slowly shook her head.

Brittany had never thought she would feel like her whole world would come crashing down with a single head movement but it did. When Santana had moved her head to the side once she knew that she would never feel or be the same. Her heart sunk, her throat tightened and her whole body went slack.

"Who's going to tell Rachel?"

Rachel danced around her apartment in New York with Kurt. Pumpin blood was playing in the background as they danced in their living room. Soon a phone call was heard from Rachel's handbag.

Kurt skipped over to it with a smile on his face and he picked it up and handed it to Rachel. She smiled in gratitude and saw it was from Santana making her eyebrows furrow. The only time Santana has called Rachel was after her and Brittany's break up to see if there's any hot girls in New York.

"Hello?" Rachel asked with a mix of happiness and curiosity.

Santana sighed but didn't respond but soon there was a muffled voice which Rachel quickly recognised was Brittany. "Oh my Barbra Streisand! Did you and Brittany get back together?!" She practically screeched with a wide smile.

There was some moment and Santanas protests when she heard Brittany's voice which was kind of scratchy. "Fuck, what do I say?" Brittany whispered to herself before starting over, "Ok... I'm just going to say what I saw on this really sad video... Are you sitting down?"

Rachel's smile turned confused before replying, "No? Why?" Brittany sighed, "Rachel you need to sit down."

Rachel did as she was as told, "Ok I'm sitting down. Can you tell me what's happened because I'm getting really worried."  There was a pause before Brittany began to speak. "So at, uh, school today there was a, um, shooting."

Rachel gasped, "What?! Are yo-" Brittany interrupted her, "Don't worry about me. It's about... Finn."

Rachel looked at Kurt worriedly and she quietly waited for Brittany to continue. "So basically in the bathroom the shooter was there, he... uh... shot me then when I like passed out Finn came in and they apparently got into a fight."

Her hand found Kurt's, squeezing it tightly hoping Brittany isn't going to say what she thinks she would. "He also got shot but more then once and in more dangerous places." Rachel felt tears flow freely down her cheeks as she choked out, "Just fucking tell me Brittany is he dead?"


Rachel stood in front of everyone, scanning the weeping faces. She briefly looked at the coffin near her making tears prickle her eyes. "Finn was very special to me and to all of you. We were very lucky to witness his incredible talent, his handsome smile and his beautiful, beautiful heart."

She took a sharp breath before continuing, "He taught me what it was like to be loved properly, how to be brave and most importantly how to be me. I always thought what was I going to do without him here and now I don't have to imagine it."

Tears formed in her eyes again but slowly trickled down but she wiped them away, "I know in life losses are expected. Some of the losses can never be replaced. Losing Finn was the hardest thing I have lived through. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to him this soon."

"I would give anything for just one more day, just a few minuets. If I knew that the last conversation I had with him would be the last time I would ever hear his voice, I would of told him how much he means to me." There wasn't a dry eye in the audience as Rachel continued reading from her piece of paper.

"I've learned to trust in unconditional love. Because the one profound thing about death is that love never dies. Some bonds cannot be broken. Because even though you're not physically here, your heart is - It lives on within me. I carry his heart inside mine. I carry it on days when I discover something new. I carry it on days when beauty unfolds in the most unexpected places. I carry it on days when I find courage to heal and to grow. I carry it with me - alvays. Someday I will meet him again - and we will no longer be separated by time or space. But until that day, I'll find comfort in knowing that he is still with me. His heart safely tucked Inside mine. Some hearts just belong together and nothing will ever change that, I loved him then.
I love him now. Always did. Always will, Forever In my mind. Forever In my heart. I will carry you Finn Hudson."

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