Giant painting in the nursery

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"What do you mean huh? This is genius!"

"It's definitely something."

"And that something is fabulous, artistic, creative and wonderful."

"I wouldn't say that..."

"Why not?"

"Sam it's a giant painting of us on our daughter's bedroom wall," Mercedes stated.

"A very awesome painting!" He quickly defending, frowning at his wife.

"I mean it does look realistic but this just reminds me of that modern family scene," she mumbles.

He bounced up and down excitedly, "That's why I did it, I know you like the show so I paid Brittany to do it."

"What?! Brittany? As in Santana's wife, Brittany S Pierce?" Mercedes jaw is agape as Sam nods fiercely.

"I know! I was shocked when I found out she could paint and my eyes needed bleach after she showed me some paintings of- um- Santana she did but it was crazy realistic... I would know."

Mercedes grimaces at the thought but then she looks at the painting of her and Sam in a Halloween costume right next to their daughter's crib, "Wouldn't it scare her? I wouldn't forgive my parents if they did that."

"We don't want to waste Brittany's talents though," He pouted.

"You know what? Why don't we swap your office with the nursery if you love the art so much," She compromises.

"That's smart, all I have is like ten pictures of you in my office and I don't think that's enough," Sam trails off, looking at Mercedes.

"Ten? I have one of you," Sam just shrugged and moved to the crib.

"It's fine, anyways you can finish recording your song and I'll swap the rooms around."

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