Brittana 6

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Santana and Brittany have been dating for around 3 months at this point. They met on the streets and their interaction was less than pleasant but there was something about Brittany that made Santana crave more.

Santana brought the cup of coffee up to her lips as she walked slowly down the crowded street. "Can you hurry up?" a voice from behind her called out angrily making Santana turn around even slower. Her eyes ran down the slim figure that stood before her. The girls blonde hair flowed softly down her shoulders, her blue eyes narrowed and her hands clenched as she held a large box. "Excuse me," Santana looked back into the girls eyes and smirked.

"It's not my fault I'm moving slowly," the blonde rolled her eyes and went crossed her arms before realising she was still holding a box. Santana laughed at her causing a scowl to form on the beautiful face. "You can move now."

Santana looked behind her and saw that it was nearly empty, "You can move around me Blondie." Brittany's eyes narrowed even more and as she went to move around Santana, Santana followed her with a sly smirk.

Brittany scoffed, "Do you think you're funny?" "Yeah I do," the smirk on Santana's face was as wide and deep as it could be which pissed Brittany off even more.

After 2 days they had crossed paths again and Santana wanted to talk to Brittany again but charm her just like she had with Dani.

"Excuse me, miss." Brittany looked up from her phone and frowned when she saw a drink she hadn't ordered in front of her. "It's from the lady over there," she followed his gaze and scoffed when she saw the familiar tanned girl who was staring straight at her with a soft smile. Brittany muttered a thanks and stormed over to Santana.

"Hi Blondie," Brittany sat across Santana and glared at her. "Can you stop glaring at me? It's weird seeing someone as pretty as you scowling." Despite being angry Brittany couldn't help the heat that ran up to her cheeks. Santana inwardly smirked, "I don't get what your problem is."

"What problem? There is none," Brittany rolled her eyes and moved the drink closer to Santana. "So you be a bitch to me when we first meet and now you're getting me a drink?" Santana just smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to, you know, get to know you better."

Brittany crossed her arms, "Really?" Santana briefly looked at Brittany's arms then back to the bright blue eyes, "Who wouldn't want to get to know you?" The blush that had once been visible on Brittany appeared again but more vibrant. With her eyes still locked on Santana's she slowly brought the drink to her lips making Santana's smile widen.

Their first kiss happened the same exact day as well as the first time they slept together. Brittany never kisses and sleeps with someone she barely knows, it took her nearly 6 months to have sex with Sam who she was "inlove" with and they ended up breaking up a week later.

"So Blondie-" "Can you stop calling me Blondie. I told you my name is Brittany." Santana smirked and resorted, "Then stop calling me big boobs." Brittany turned beet red, "I-I th-that wa-was an accident." Santana hummed with a look Brittany could easily tell that she didn't believe her.

"Anyways, are you single?" Brittany just nodded her head in response making Santana smirk, "Are you single?" Santana shrugged making Brittany frown. "Wait, you're in a relationship and have been flirting with me?" Santana quickly shook her head, "No- god no, I'm going through a divorce right now so..."

Brittany's eyes widen, "You were, or are, married this young?!" Santana laughed, "Yeah, I know... we even decided to have a kid. I don't know why it was probably the rush of being newly weds or something but during her pregnancy the excitement was gone, everything was gone."

Brittany put her hand on top of Santana's and squeezed it, "When he was born I loved him more than life, way more than I ever loved her, but when I told her I want a divorce she decided that she wanted full custody of him which she obviously didn't get since she was a junkie and was in a shitty band that got no gigs." Santana laughed softly, "So I got the weekend rights instead which I protested to but the court thought that since she gave birth to him she should get him for longer."

She frowned, "Seriously?" Santana nodded and smiled as she felt Brittany's thumb rub over her knuckles, "There is nothing I would change though... well that's a lie, I would want to have full custody and him to not look like her so much. But like all that shit matured me so much, I went from the girl who slept around, partied practically everyday and didn't give a shit about anyone but me to someone who would do anything for their family, thinks before she speaks and has a job and a house so I don't leech off my parents."

Brittany smiles adoringly at Santana, "Anyways, that's enough about me. What was your last relationship like?" Brittany frowned, "It was a normal one, nothing crazy or anything but like 5 months into the relationship we finally had sex and the week after that I found out he had been talking about how bad I was and I also found out he had been cheating on me with my best friend."

Santana's eyes widened comically, "What an asshole." Brittany chuckled, "I know right." Santana then slyly smirked, "You don't seem like you're bad in bed..." Brittany returned the smirk, "Oh yeah? Why don't you find out."

That happened on a Friday so when they woke up on a Saturday morning Santana's phone was vibrating loudly and there was a ringtone which was just repeating bitch.

Brittany groaned loudly as she heard a phone vibrating repeatedly on her bedside table. She took her arm which was numb, due to it being under Santana all night, and blindly reached for it. A muffled voice could be heard, "Turn that shit off."

Soon a ringtone was blasting through the room. "Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch." Brittany laughed as she picked up the phone and chucked it on Santana's chest. "What do you want?" Santana was rubbing her forehead before she shot up and began looking for clothes.

The phone was thrown next to Brittany who was carefully putting on her bra which she picked up from over the tv. "What's up?" Santana looked at Brittany as she slid her skirt up her legs. "I have to get Tyler." Brittany nodded but then asked, "How old is he?"

"5 months," she nodded. "What if he needs to be fed?" Santana pulls a shirt over her head before walking over to Brittany, "I have baby formula for a reason." Brittany let out a oh but she smiled as she felt Santana's hands on her bare thighs.

"Could you maybe..." "Come with you?" Santana looked at Brittany hopefully, "I would love to." Santana smiled widely and leaned closer to Brittany. Her hand found the nape of Brittany's neck as she pulled her closer. Santana's lips encased Brittany's top one when their lips finally touched for what seemed to be the millionth time.

Brittany realised how serious Santana was about her straight off the bat. Because who lets their son meet the person they slept with last night and who defends the same person to their ex-wife?

"So you already know she's a junkie and in a failed band but there's more." Brittany nodded as she followed the gps directions, "So she is still like insanely jealous over me-" "Who wouldn't be?" Santana blushes and laughs loudly making Brittany smile like she just been given the Nobel peace prize.

"Thank you, but as I was saying she try's to ruin my friendship and possibly potentially relationships. She also wears way too much eyeliner like she goes through a tube a day." Brittany laughs heavily which causes Santana to as well, "You might be laughing now but when you see her you will be like 'oh my goddd Santana is sooo right'"

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