Brittana 2.2

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"Did you hear that apparently Santana is dating Brittany?" Kitty, asked. Quinn scoffed but it went unnoticed. 

"Thats stupid, they've only known each other for two days." Bree remarks. Kitty rolls her eyes but doesn't waver, "So? They're all over each other, it only makes sense that they're together."

Bree ponders the idea before saying, "But why would the Santana Lopez be all over that freak?" Kitty hums but ends up shrugging. Quinn glares at them "Brittany isn't a freak."

The two laugh at Quinn and Bree resorts, "Oh please, look at her." Quinn rolls her eyes but continues, "If anyone is a freak its you two. Bree, you try so hard to be Santana and kitty, you look like a 30 year old woman."

They quickly stop laughing making a smirk appear on Quinns face she goes to speak but the door opens showing Brittany and Santana on their phones. 

In the texts they're discussing what kind of genre their story will be. Santana wants to have it as horror or a thriller, Brittany claims she doesn't know what genre to do which is a blatant lie. She wants to do romance but she doesn't want to scare Santana off. 

"Santana! Hi, how are you?" Bree squeaked out. Santana raised her eyebrows but ignored her and went back to texting Brittany. They still haven't decided on a topic but Brittany is leaning towards thriller. 

"Brittany?" Whitney called out. Brittany tugged Santana through the doorway and yelled back, "Yeah!" Santanas eyebrows shot up and sent a confused and shocked glance to Brittany who just grinned. 

"You talk?!" Santana whisper yelled. Brittany nodded with a hum. "Wow after a month of being friends I have never heard your voice." Brittany just shrugged as they begin to walk up the stairs to her room. 

"Britttt come on I want to hear your voice again," Santana whined after 15ish minuets of watching the show 'You'. Brittany playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head at Santana. Santana continued to pester Brittany who just laughed. 

Eventually they got more playful to the point Santana had pushed Brittany flat against the bed, straddled her hips and pinned her arms above her head. They were laughing but that quickly died down as they stared at each other. 

Brittanys gazed flickered from Santanas eyes to her lips while Santanas scanned Brittanys face. She was frozen as she saw Santanas head slowly leaning forward. 

Brittanys breath hit Santanas lips causing Santana to snap and close the distance. She took Brittanys bottom lip between her on and sucked on it. 

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