Brittana 1.3

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"Brittany, please. I miss you."

"I miss you too but Sant-"

Before Brittany could finish Santana had grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulls her down. The rest of Brittanys words were mumbled into Santanas lips. 

Brittany responds to the kiss but when she feels Santana nibbling on her bottom lip, she pulls away. "What, what's wrong?" Santana breaths out. 

Brittany shakes her head and puts a visible distance between them. "Is.. is it sam?" Santana weakly asks. "No its not Sam... I just..."

Santana raises her eyebrows but has a frown on her face, "Just what Brittany? You know you can tell me anything I'm your best friend."

Brittany nods but is now pacing up and down the room. Santana steps infront of Brittany and puts her hands on Brittanys arms. "Britt, please."

"It's just the last time you spoke to me you broke up with me." Santanas frown deepened as she opened her mouth to talk but Brittany continued. "Then I saw all of your posts with different girls touching you in ways you told me I was the only one who could."


"No, Santana listen." She shook her head and began to talk. "Brittany it's my turn to talk." Brittany frowned but nodded. 

"There wasn't some energy exchange that was all bullshit, I didn't want to break up with you but I had too." Brittany glared at Santana and raised her eyebrows prompting her to explain. 

"I love you but Tina told me how you were during the second Britney week and knowing I caused that I couldn't let it go on then in the left behind club." She frowned when she saw Brittanys eyes well up with tears. 

"Santana you didn't even give us a chance to fight for it, you just hated long distance then started ignoring my calls, broke up with me and ignored all my texts when I tried to reach out and now your back." Brittany listed everything and when Santana tried to talk Brittany shushed her by holding her hand up. 

"And you kicked Sam out of my house then as soon as I started to speak you kissed me." Santana blushed and she looked at Brittany who looked Santana expectantly. 

"Do you want me to talk now?" Santana asked after a period of silence. Brittany nodded and a small smile graced Santana's lips. "I only have pictures of girls touching me on instagram because I was drunk and trying to distract myself from you but it just wouldn't work so then when Tina told me about you and sam I knew I had to get you back."

"I know- I know I shouldn't of came back unannounced then kiss you but knowing you are... fucking someone I use to be close friends with I just couldn't stand you being that close with someone other than me. And I'm pretty sure my pictures with other girls are the only reason you're with Sam." 

Brittany looked away with blush on her cheeks making Santana smirk. "Britt you know I'm sorry but I also need you to know that I want you back." She looked back and Santana and she began to walk closer. 

Santana threw her arms around Brittanys neck and pulled Brittany closer. Their bodies were pressed fully against each other. Santana tangled her fingers in Brittanys hair and pushed up on her toes to reach Brittanys lips. 

This time Brittany didn't pull away she put in every emotion she feels about Santana into the kiss. Most of the emotion was love but there was longing, desire and some sadness. 

Before they both knew it Santana was pulling Brittany shirt and flinging it over her shoulder not realising it hit Sam right in the face as he stands in Brittanys doorway, tears trickling down his face. 

Brittany and Santana stumbled to her room but before they could blindly open the door they heard a loud slamming noise. They  quickly pulled away and Santana hid behind Brittany as they cautiously walked down the stairs. 

"Do you think someone broke in?" Santana whispered when they saw no one there. Brittany widened her eyes and nudged Santana, "Don't fucking say that!"

"Sorry but like I'm as scared as you," Brittany rolled her eyes and looked out the window to see sam walking down the road away from her house. 

"I think it was Sam," Brittany said. Santana grinned and turned Brittany around and pulled her to her bedroom. 

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