The walk

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For any great parent one good look is all you need to tell what your kids have been up to.

Pierce chucked a piece of popcorn into his mouth as the nfl game blared from the tv. As he was about to take another he sniffed the air with a frown and his face scrunched in disgust as he looked at his baby.

"Ugh really? I changed you at halftime," he whined as Jason just stared blankly at him.

Sometimes you barely need to look at all.

Whitney walked down the hall with a small smile on her face when Ben walked out from the bathroom, heading to him room.

"Ah ah ah. Did you wash your hands?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Ben stopped walking and turned to face his mom, "Yep."

"Ah ah lick your fingers," she ordered as he tried to walk back to his room.

He smiled guiltily, "Caught in a lie."

Whitney crossed her arms over her chest as he walked back into the bathroom, "Mm hmm yeah. That's it."

Other times things require a more careful eye.

Michelle walked out of her room, holding a pair of nunchucks, and looked around nervously as she walked down the hall.

Her eyes widened when she nearly walked into Pierce and she quickly hid the nunchucks behind her back and forced a smile as Pierce greeted her, "Hey."

"Hi," she answered quickly.

Pierce narrowed his eyes, "Show me both your hands at the same time," Michelle's smile fell off her face, "Slowly."

As she slowly showed him her hands she fiercely glared at him. The nunchucks swung in the air as she sighed deeply.

Pierce quickly took them from her and held it infront of his chest and she tried to offer, "Would you believe I'm defending your honour?"

He swung the nunchucks around, "No."

And then there are times when you can't believe what you're seeing is true.

Pierce sat at the kitchen table, reading from a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee when Brittany walked that way.

Brittany looks his way and there's a glint in her eyes that he can't figure out what it is. He places the cup of coffee on the table and takes in everything. Her light blue summer dress, her expression and her waved hair.

But despite all that, the main thing he noticed was her walk. It's like she found confidence overnight and was acting all smug about it. Brittany throws a grin his way and subtly nods her head before walking to the door.

It's like life is moving in even slower motion when Brittany looks away. Soon dedication dawns on him and he looks impressed as the door shuts and he turns back to sit properly in his chair.

He quickly gets out of his chair, "Whit."

"What?" She turns to face him from the sink.

"Did you see that?" He asks while nodding his head to the door.

She pulls a face, "See what?"

Pierce lets out a breath that sounds like a squeak and sigh combined, "Brittany's not a virgin."

Whitney's eyes widen and she quickly straightens up, "How do you know she's... active? Did she tell you?"

"She didn't have to tell me. There's only one thing that will make someone walk like that," Pierce states.

Whitney gasps, "My baby girl, oh my goddd!"

Whitney looks devastated while Pierce is smirking proudly, "We need to celebrate. Make a turkey bow. I don't know why but it just feels right."

She frowned, "I have so many questions. Like when did this happen?"

"As soon as they said yes."

"Where did this happen?"

"The same place they said yes."

"I can't believe she didn't tell me!" Whitney whines as she begins to flap her arms around, "Brittany talks to me about everything!"

"Not this. It's not something that people bring to their mothers," Pierce states.


A teenage Pierce walks into his front room with a smirk on his face as he calls out, "Mama! Guess what?"

His mom lay on the couch reading a book and drinking wine when she looks at Pierce in his funky clothes. He stands proudly in-front of her and she grins widely, "Yeahhh! I can see it in your walk! Aha! Let mama make you a turkey."

Pierce smiles widely as his mom laughs loudly and sets her drink to the side.


"Well at least her first time was with someone that she's in a long term relationship with even if it's Santana," Whitney mumbles, looking at pierce pointedly.

"My girl," Pierce subconsciously breathes out.

Whitney cringes, "Ew, Pierce, this isn't a 'ma girl' moment."

"This is the ultimate 'ma girl' moment. It's her right of passage," Pierce argues. "You know what?"


"We need to focus on what's important," As he speaks he taps his finger with every syllable.

Whitney points at him and nods, "That is a very healthy way of looking at this."

"Like what sides we're going to have with the turkey."

"Can you forget about that turkey please! Our daughter had sex! She's only 17..." Whitney reminds him quite loudly.

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