Brittana 2

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Despite being on the Cheerios Brittany always felt ignored. The only person who ever talked to her or text her was Tina. Their friendship started the day they saw each other. People thought they got along well was because they were outcasts when the only thing different about them from every "normal" person was the fact that Brittany rarely talked and Tina was a goth. 

Brittany hadn't always been mute, as some people would say, she use to be extremely talkative even about things she could care less about. But she slowly stopped talking, no one knew the reason why, not even Tina but people didn't care. Most of them were glad because they wouldn't hear her rant about unicorns for hours. 

Tina had tried suggesting to Brittany that talking more would be a good idea but Brittany quickly shut the idea down. People use to not care that Brittany didn't talk but now they were in high school, talking shit was what most conversations were about, people seemed to have an issue with it. 

Not everyone though, only a few people didn't care and it was mainly from the glee club with the exception of Quinn (This means Quinn doesn't bully her). Santana didn't care but when she heard people talking about Brittany she would laugh along, even though she had never met Brittany. All Santana heard about her were things other cheerleaders said like calling Brittany a freak, spaz, stupid and much more. 

People would ask "Why would she laugh about if if she doesn't even know Brittany?" but the only reason she does it because when your head cheerleader, even if Quinn says she's co-captain but she will never admit that even if it's true, you have a reputation to hold. You're expected to be a bitch, expected to talk about anyone less popular and expected to laugh along with the insults which aren't original in the slightest. 

The day Santana had stoped laughing or joining in conversations about Brittany was the day she properly met her. Even though they had classes together they never acknowledged each other, well Brittany looked at Santana a lot during the classes but Santana never noticed. Santana constantly thinks about the first time they met and talked, you can't really call it that since Santana talked most of the time but got hums or nods in response.

Even though its been 5ish years she can't help but think about it every time she sees Brittany or talks to Brittanys family. You're probably, hopefully, wondering why Santana talks to Brittany's family after all the time. It's actually not all the time, it's only when Brittanys family comes over to her and Brittanys house or if they go to Brittanys parents house. It's easy to say that ever since Santana officially became Santana Pierce, her and Brittanys family became a lot more closer. 

Now you definitely don't want me to drone on about how Santana wrote a book about her and Brittanys relationship, which was surprisingly well liked, or anything else only romantic Santana did I'll just start at the day they first met. 


"You're late Lopez," the teachers voice echoed in the room. Santana rolled her eyes, "And your dad was too late to pull out." The teacher, Mr Ryerson, was use to all her remarks thrown at him to the point he didn't even care to report it. He even started to write the things Santana said about him or told him to do down such as: a mistake, waste of sperm, waste of air, a shrivelled male version of Rachel berry, he loses a chromosome every time he breathes, told him she was surprised that he could pull anyone when he looks like a diseased scrotum. 

"Whatever Lopez. If you were here on time you would know that we are doing a project and the only person without a parter is Brittany Pierce." The Cheerios started to laugh and Santana tried to find someone who looked like a Brittany but found it hard as she saw a girl with a shaved head and a girl with dyed black hair which looked greasy. "Brittany raise your hand so Santana can see you."

Brittany reluctantly raised her hand but instead of laughing like anyone else would Santana looked happy but Brittany didn't know why. Santana was happy because it was a cheerleader so if she got to like Brittany it wouldn't be that bad to hang out with her. 

Santana took the seat next to Brittany and smiled at her. Brittany gave her a small, shy smile back but quickly looked away thinking she looked way too long into Santanas deep, mesmerising brown eyes. "So what do we have to do?" Santana asked after a moment of silence. 

Brittany tried to say anything but all that was heard was a speak making Santana giggle but Brittany blushed hard. She looked for a plain piece of paper but she had to flip to the back of her book and write down what they were doing. 

Santana leaned close to Brittany to read it, trying hard to ignore the chocolate and coconut scent that invaded her senses. "So we have to write a story together with us as the main characters with any genre?" Brittany nodded and Santana looked more than confused. 

 About halfway into the class Santana had tried to get Brittany to talk to her and every time Brittany just nodded or shook her head. But then Santana had a amazing idea, "Hey, Brittany. Why don't you give me your number and we can text instead of you shaking your head."

Brittany blushed and nodded, she handed Santana her phone and she filled out the contact information even taking a selfie for it. Santana had also given Brittany her phone to do the same thing which she did except for the picture. When they gave each other their phones back Santana playfully pouted. 

"Aww come on Blondie," Santana whined. Brittany giggled but before she knew it Santanas phone was being shoved in her face for a picture. When Santana saw the picture she instantly loved it, it was blurry and Brittany somehow looked like a crackhead. 

Brittany saw a glance of it and her eyes widened. she tried to signal Santana to change it but Santana just smirked in response. She shook her head no and even sent a text to Brittany saying I'm not changing it. Brittany huffed but they texted about the work for the rest of the lesson.

AN: this story isn't finished rn bc its like midnight so I'm doing the rest tmrw 

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