Brittana 9

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Sam grabbed Brittany's hand and ran to the stage of the bar. She tried to pull away but Sam tightened his grip, "Come on Brittany you need to sing."

Brittany pouted at him as she whined, "But Sam I'm not a good singer."

He rolled his eyes, "Britt you are like one of the best singers I know."

As she was about to give in she asked him, "Why are you even forcing me to do this?"

"Because you haven't sung all night and you might find the love of your life," He wiggled his eyebrows at her as she frowned.

"Sam this isn't high school musical," she stated causing him to groan.

"How isn't it? You are in high school and your life could be a musical if you sungggg!" he dragged out the last word causing her to giggle lightly.

"Well, sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the water."

"Oo! Look at her, she's gorgeous." Brittany looked at the girl who was singing by herself and her jaw dropped. Right in front of her was one of the most captivating girls she has ever seen with an amazing voice.

"And I think of all the things, what you're doing
And in my head I paint a picture."

"I don't want to interrupt her..."

"Brittany! The whole point of this stage karaoke thingy is that you can join whoever is singing. That's how I met Mercedes."

Before she could protest Sam shoved a microphone into her hand and pushed her onto the stage.

"Cause since I've come on home
Well, my body's been a mess."

Brittany quietly joined in catching the other girls' attention. The tanned girls' singing faltered for a second before she smirked and made her way over to Brittany.

"And I've missed your ginger hair" As the tanned girl sang with Brittany she gently ran her fingers through Brittany's ponytail.


"Why don't you come on over Valerie?" The girl's arm wrapped around Brittany's waist as the song came to an end.

"You're amazing!" Brittany breathed out as she slowly moved out of the girl's hold.

The girl smiled widely and followed Brittany down the stairs of the stage, "I'm amazing? Have yourself?"

Brittany just gazed at the girl in awe before she realised the girl's hand is in front of her, "I'm Santana, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Brittany," Santana smirked at Brittany causing her cheeks to turn a light shade of red.

"Well, Brittany would you be interested in a drink?"

"That would be awesome:"


"You hooked up with her?!" Mercedes screeched while Sam gawked at Brittany.

Her head dropped to her hands as she defended herself, "What was I meant to do? She bought me drinks and I asked if there was a way I could repay her so she said if I went back to her place."

Sam then asked the question he had been waiting to ask ever since he saw Brittany leave with Santana, "Did you get her number?"

Mercedes nods and points to Sam, "Did you?"

"No..." As soon as those words left her mouth, Sam and Mercedes were complaining about how she should of.

"But! But I got her full name we can look for it on Instagram or something."

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