Hallmark parody

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"Oo!" Hannah called out, nearing closer to the container of fries in Olivia's hand.

Just as she was going to take one Olivia moved the box out of her way with a grin, "You said you didn't want any."

"To think I ever shared my lunches with a fry keeper," Hannah grumbled as she glared playfully at Olivia.

They started walking back to their firm, orange leaves crunching under their feet as Olivia pointed a fry at Hannah, "Better to be a fry keeper than a fry thief," she argued with a shrug before eating the fry.

"That's not even a saying!" Hannah whined, walking side by side with the brunette.

Olivia shrugged again, "Well, it should be."

Hannah huffed and looked in-front of her as she asked, "Did I mention I still hate you?"

"Good. Because I'm madly in love with you," as Olivia finished talking she ate another fry and walked off as Hannah froze momentarily in shock before giggling and rushing to catch up with her.

"What did you say?" She called out as Olivia kept her steady pace.

"You heard what I said. Now say it back," Olivia jokingly ordered.

Hannah rolled her eyes with a smile on her face, "No, you drive me insane!"

Once she finally by Olivia's side she felt a gents nudge on her ribs followed by, "And you love that."

"Maybe..." the blonde thought aloud, "I mean no."

"Come on Han," Olivia teased.

Hannah shook her head with a smug smile, "Fine, I love... mushrooms."

Everyone in the theatre laughed as the credits began to roll in but the characters kept on with their conversation.

"Mushrooms? They're disgusting."

"I think you mean delicious."

"Any time now."

"Fine! I love..."

"Ugh, forget it."

"Olivia come back! I love you."

Brittany rolled her eyes as her gentle laughter filled the room as family's started to make their way out the room. Santana shuffled slightly, lifting her head from Brittany's shoulders while staring at the blonde with a grin she became accustom to over the year.

"Did you like it?" Santana asked while a new scene was being displayed on the big screen, showing the bloopers of the film.

"... I'm madly inlove with you."


"Cut! Seriously Brittany?"

"What?! It's cringey! I mean who wrote this? Rachel Berry?"

"I know it was meant to be, like, a parody of hallmark movies but I didn't think they would go all out on making it so embarrassing," Brittany complained as she focused the next clip of her and Santana.



"Can you take a mint or something?"

"What? Are you saying my breath stinks?"

"No! It's just I can't continue this scene if you taste of cigarettes."

"Britt, does it matter?"

"Yes! You know how much I hate the taste and you decide to do it right before the big kiss scene."

"Ugh, fine."

"You're the best!"


"I'm still offended by that you know," Santana reminded her with a teasing grin.

"You did though. The taste of tobacco is disgusting no matter the person," Brittany moaned as Santana rolled her eyes.

"Fine. If you hate it that much I'll just smoke cigarettes constantly," Santana stated with a smug grin.

"What the hell Brittany!"

"Ha! You should see the look on your face."

"Santana I swear to god if you do I will never speak to you again."

"My makeup is ruined asshole!"

"It looked bad anyways."

"Whatever. But why did you shove Quinn into the river? She refuses to talk to you because of that," Santana asked as she stared at the clip of Quinn dripping while glaring at Brittany who was on her knees and laughing loudly.

She shrugged as the clip changed, "She just got really annoying at the river happened to be there."

"Holy shit!"

"Santana what did you do?!"

"I don't fucking know! It just went boom!"

"Fuck! You know they're definitely pissed."

Santana laughed and held her hand out to Brittany as the credits started again. "By the way did you start that fire? I did see a burnt cigarette bud but I wasn't going to snitch."

"Maybe... it was on accident though," Santana mumbled as they walked swiftly down the entrance of the cinema.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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