Samcedes / Brittana

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Sam and Brittany sat side by side watching the new episode of pretty little liars when the door swung open with two angry girls storming in.

The two exchanged scared looks and Sam leaned closer to Brittany and whispered, "What did we do?"

Brittany just shrugged and tried to be absorbed by the couch pillows as Santana and Mercedes glared fiercely at them.

Sam however straightened up and smiled at the two but before he could utter a word Santana started to talk rather loudly, "When were you going to tell us?"

"Um... tell you what?" Sam asked, his voice wavering, as he moved closer to Brittany.

Mercedes rolled her eyes and barked, "That you two cancelled the tour!" Santana nodded along while Brittany said oh quietly.

"Well, um, we might of forgot about that," Brittany offered but she regrets the words instantly because instead of having one pregnant woman glaring at her, it was two.

"Oh? You two forgot to tell your WIVES that you cancelled everything?" Mercedes yelled.

Sam rubbed the back of his neck and exchanged an awkward glance with Brittany, "We thought it would be a good idea since you two are near your due date so you would need as much rest as possible."

Mercedes and Santana exchanged glances before silently coming to an agreement. "What are they planning?" Sam murmured to Brittany who was looking at Santana with her full attention.

Soon Santana was storming over to Brittany and grabbing her ear. "San... what are yo- Ow!" Brittany yelped as she was brought to her feet and stumbling away, her ear still in between Santana's fingers.

Sam watched with wides eyes as Brittany was dragged away before hesitantly looking at Mercedes who had her hands on her hips. "Babe..."

"Samual Mitchel Evans don't you dare call me babe right now," she warned watching as he flinched at the use of his full name. He put his hands in the air with a shrug before resting against the couch.

"You should start getting comfortable," Mercedes hissed while Sam just tilted his head in confusion.

She smirked and threw him the thinnest blanket and stiff pillow next to him, "You're sleeping here tonight. Have fun babe."

He went to protest but she just held her finger up and walked away leaving him by himself. As he reluctantly tried to get comfortable he yelled, "Santana wouldn't treat Brittany like this!"

"Oh please, Brittany's sleeping on the floor," Mercedes responded.


"Do you forgive me now?" Brittany asked as she wiped her mouth and slowly got off her knees.

Santana smirked and placed her foot on Brittany's chest before jerking it, making Brittany stumble back to the door. "Nope."

Brittany's jaw dropped but Santana narrowed her eyes, "Where will I sleep? We don't have a chair or couch!"

All she got was a shrug before Santana was turning into her side and nuzzling into her pillow.

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