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Brittany sat a local bar with her half brother Sam, laughing loudly over a memory from Sam's horrible dating history.

"I still cannot believe she chucked the coffee on you!" Brittany folded over while Sam grimaced at the memory.

Just as he was about to respond two girls walked past their table, both girls catching the siblings attention.

"She's gorgeous."

"What one?"


"Nah, the other girl is so stunning. I think I'm inlove already."

"Sam I need your help," Brittany practically begged, her eyes fixated on the Latina talking to a shorter more pale brunette.

Sam followed her gaze and grinned excitedly, "Yes! I've always wanted to do that!"

The two blondes make their way over to the security guards and somehow managed to agree to their plan.


"Um- excuse me," Brittany said nervously as she stood awkwardly infront of the brunettes.

They turned to face her with bored expressions and Brittany jutted her thumb out behind her where a crazed blonde man was yelling at security while pointing over to them.

"Your boyfriend told me to tell you that you need to go home because your bearded dragon needs to be fed," Brittany directed to the paler girl.

"What, boyfriend? I'm gay hunny," the girl remarked with sas making Brittany eye her skeptically.

"He seems really adamant that you two are dating... his Lock Screen is a picture of you," the Latina frowned at the girl who huffed and rushed over to the blonde.

"You two are siblings right?" The Latina asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Whattttt? No," Brittany said with a nervous smile.

The Latina laughed, "Oh really? Well thanks for getting that girl away from me she was so boring."

Brittany grinned, "I could tell."

"Oh? How?"

"I don't know really it was just obvious."

"You know what's more obvious?"


"The fact that the Blondie over there isn't Dani's boyfriend, also he's your sibling and you two came up with a plan to get her away from me," The Latina stated confidently.

"Don't get all cocky, we had that plan made up ever since we were 15," Brittany mumbled before regaining her composure, "I'm Brittany."

"Huh... you look more like a Heather. I'm Santana," Santana shook Brittany's extended hand with a big smile.

"Well you look like a Naya," Brittany shot back, "but would you want to dance with me?"

"It's a bar not a club," Santana smirked at the blonde infront of her.

"Yeah but it's America so they're basically the same thing," she resorted while shrugging.

"I don't know..." Santana dragged out teasingly.

"Oh, ok. I'll go then," Brittany mumbled dejectedly and sulked away leaving a shocked Santana.

As the blonde looked at the menu she shot a look at Sam with a smirk which he easily returned. When she heard heels clicking behind her on the polished floor she slipped into a sad look and gestured for the bartender to come over to her.

She felt a cold hand press against the small of her back as a raspy voice followed, "Let me buy it for you."


Brittany walked to the table Sam is sitting at with a confident grin as Santana holds onto her waist. She pulled out for a stool for Santana, earning her a soft smile, then sat on her own.

"Um... hi?" Sam glanced between the two girls.

"So Brittz tells me you want to get with my girl Mercedes," Santana quickly interrupts him with a sly grin.

The boy nodded slowly making Santana clap her hands excitedly, "Awesome, I've always wanted to play matchmaker."

Soon enough Santana starts informing Sam about everything he needs to know, "Ok, so firstly don't go up to her with a pickup like because no way in hell would that work with her. Instead you need to go to her and compliment her but not on her appearance, compliment her on her makeup or dress or her shoes. Girls love that, I would know."

Sam nods dumbly, "Don't ask her if you can buy her a drink because she has been spiked by a guy and she's so not wanting that to happen again. And don't shove so many compliments at her, that's just weird. Also if you want to keep a long conversation going talk to her about music like Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson or Etta James. Got it?"

He lets put a breath of air at all the information but soon his face is being overtaken by a charming smile as he fixes his shirt, "Got it."


"Oh my god! Your makeup is amazing!" Sam exclaims as he walks up to Mercedes.

She feels her temperature rise at the compliment, "Thanks."

After a moment of silence Sam looks around with a frown, "You think for such a popular bar they would actually play good music."

Mercedes looks over at him with a twinkle in her eye, "I know right! Don't get me wrong they have some good songs but where's the Whitney? Where's the Mariah? Where's the scream worthy songs?"

"Exactly! I've always hated when I walk into bars and they just play some overrated songs, like we get it you think avicii is good but play something else."

Mercedes playfully fawns herself, "I think I just fell inlove."

Sam grins widely at her then suggests, "I heard of this club down the street and it apparently plays like the best songs ever, I'm going to go with my sister but you can come with if you want to."

"I would love to but I don't want to leave my friend by herself," Mercedes frowns while Sam's grin stays intact.

"Are you talking about a short Latina?" Mercedes eyebrows raise but she slowly nods, "She's getting hit on by my sister so I think she will be down to come with."

Mercedes jaw dropped and she quickly follows Sam as he walks to the table. They soon see the two girls giggling loudly while not so subtly touching eachother.

"Santana! Are you kidding me!" Mercedes yelled making the the brunette whip her head to face her best friend. 

"What? She's pretty," Santana defended while leaning into the blonde.

Brittany's skin flushes as she whispers, "Thanks," earning a gentle look from Santana.

"So?! You leave me for ages just to hang out with a girl you find hot."

"Wheezy, calm down! You should be thanking me that Blondie over there even had the balls to come up and talk to you," Santana pointed her finger in Sam's direction with a huff.

"Ugh whatever."

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