Brittana 7

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"Does anyone know the answer to question 7?" Mr Shuester scanned the class and saw the same two hands raised. His gaze switched from each girl till he landed on one, "Brittany, what's the answer?"

Santana groaned and slumped down in her chair, earning a smirk from Brittany. Brittany folded her arms in front of her as she answered, "The answer is 87."

Mr Shuster watched as Santana directed a glare in Brittany's way, "That's right, well done Brittany." Santana muttered, "Teacher's pet," which caused the whole class to erupt in laughter. Brittany and Mercedes gave her a weird look while Brittany spoke up.

"How am I a teacher's pet when I answered an easy question?" Santana's gaze hardened as she looked at Brittany, "He only chose you to answer the question because you're white."

Brittany's jaw went slack as well as Mr. Shuesters, "Santana! Don't you dare accuse me of favouring a student over another just because of their race!" She just smirked and shrugged her shoulders while Brittany turned her body so she was facing Santana.

"I don't know what your issue is but just because your ego - which is bigger than you - got slightly bruised over a teacher choosing me to answer one question doesn't mean he's a racist," Santana stared blankly at Brittany who adjusted herself into a more comfortable sitting position.


"Britt I heard about what you said to Santana," Brittany watched as Kurt leaned against the locker to the side of her. "So what? She needed a reality check," Kurt hummed as he inspected his nails.

"It's entertaining to watch you and Santana go all academic rivals love trope on each other, but I feel like you two should just admit that there's sexual tension between the two of you." Brittany's jaw dropped while he brush off invisible lint from his jacket.

"What? There is no sexual tension we both share a mutual hatred for each other," Kurt pressed his lips together and nodded in false agreement making Brittany glare at him.

"Totally," Brittany opened and closed her mouth repeatedly before huffing and storming off ignoring Kurt's laughter.


"He thinks he's so smart acting as if he knows everything. Like there's no sexual tension at all!" Brittany whines as she burrowed her head into soft skin. A hand ran up and down Brittany's arm, "I mean... he's not exactly wrong."

Brittany gasped and pulled away from the girls hold, "What do you mean?" "Brittany look at us right now and remember what we did for the last hour which I think we should continue."

She felt Santana gently grab her arms before pulling Brittany flat on top of her, "I hate you." Santana smirked at Brittany while her hand slowly slid down Brittany's stomach, "No you don't."

"You're right, I don't."

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