Klaine 1

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His back was pressed against the cool metal of the dull lockers. Mercedes stood at his side, her locker open as she fixed her hair which was perfect. "Mercedes your hair is flawless," Mercedes smiled at him through the mirror but shook her head.

"Kurt if I want to get Sam's attention I have to look my best," he crosses his arms sassily making Mercedes laugh. "And if you want to get Blaine you might want to fix your hair it's not as full," Kurt gasped as his hands went to hair that has shrunk.

"Why didn't you tell me!" He practically screeched as he shoved her out the way and examined his hair. "You did not just- anyways I thought you knew!" Kurt groans as he brushes his hair up and sprays an ungodly amount of hairspray.

Two minutes later when they both finished they were inspecting everyone in the hallway, "You know I wish Sam looked at me the way Santana looked at Brittany." Kurt rolled his head to the side and saw Mercedes frowning while looking at Santana who was fixing Brittany's hair.

"I wish Blaine looked at me the way Brittany look at Santana. Love is basically shooting out her eyes whenever she looks at her," Mercedes sighs and turns fully to face him. "I heard Blaine was talking to some guy," Kurt frowns deeply and eyes Mercedes skeptically.

"What?" She nods and nudges her chin over to Blaine who was at the opposite end of the hall and talking to some guy who already has a beard. "He literally told me that he likes me," her eyebrows furrow and she looks at Kurt who now has tears in his eyes.

"He said he likes you?!" He nodded while glaring at the guy who is putting his arm around a laughing Blaine. "What did you say?" Kurt frowns and slowly turns to Mercedes. "I said I like him too but..."

Her eyes widen and Kurt would have laughed if it was during a different situation, "But what Kurt?" He rubbed his arm nervously, "I said I wasn't ready." Mercedes jaw drops and Kurt goes back to looking at people walking by.

"So he gave you a chance to get with him but you practically rejected him," Kurt sighs. "I thought he would have waited you know?" She rubs her forehead with a groan, "He is a teenager Kurt do you seriously think he would wait that long unless he is like inlove with you or something."

"So I'm too late?" He looks back at Mercedes who is looking at him with a blank expression, "We don't know unless you try but if he's blushing that hard already I think you are way too late."

"This isn't fair;" he whines, dropping his head against the metal. "Nothings fair Kurt." He looks over at her and frowns, "Things can be really fair when it comes to this." She raises her eyebrows, "Like what?"

"Brittany and Santana. They've been into each other for ages and now look how inlove they are," Mercedes shakes her head. "Remember all the times they fought when they decided to get with guys? They've went to all that drama just because they weren't able to accept their love for each other which isn't fair."

"They were able to accept it," Mercedes scoffs and gives him a look which shut him up. "No they weren't. For Santana it would have been easier for her to accept it if Brittany wasn't a girl and for Britt it would have been easier for her to accept it if the girl wasn't Santana."

"Wait why is this about Brittany and Santana? We were talking about me potentially being too late with Blaine," her eyebrows furrow before they return to normal. "True. But relationships always involve drama so you have to prove to Blaine that you are good for him or you will lose him."

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