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For nashandpandas. Thank you for being so kind to me.

Ashley Whitman was hiding.

Well, she didn't exactly like to call it hiding.

She called it house arrest.

She called it waiting for bruises to fade.

Not hiding.

"Ashley, are you there?"

Where else would I be? She thought as she got up and walked down the stairs.

He was practically bursting with excitement. He was wearing a suit and a tie.

Well, that was a change from pajama pants and nothing on top.

"I have a meeting," He told her, "I think I might finally get this client."

He was a lawyer. He had once been a good one, but he had been asked to take a hiatus after he had started a fight in the court room, and left two people hospitalized. 

Let's just say nobody wanted him to be their lawyer anymore.

But she would never say that out loud.

He patted her shoulder.

She tried not to flinch.

She wanted to scream, "Don't touch me!"

But she just nodded, smiled and waved at the man as he left.

She couldn't get the feeling of his hand on her shoulder out of her head.

The same hand that beat her up until she fainted.

The same hand that was her reason for hiding.

The hand belonging to the only person she was truly afraid of.

Her father.

Blondie BrownieWhere stories live. Discover now