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"I'm not ready for this." 

Ashley rolled her eyes, "Will you ever be ready?" 

Maia gazed at the brick building, "Ollie's going to kill me, isn't he? I'm going to die."

"And what if Mrs. Asher is here," The poor girl went on, "I had a press meeting today during lunch."

She went on before Ashley could say anything.

"What if the security cameras have footage of us coming in once school ends?" 

She turned to Ashley and grabbed her collar. 

"Quick! Drive away before they see the number plate."

She shook her best friend, who was, annoyingly enough, still sitting behind the wheel with a stupid smirk on her face.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??" She screamed, "DO YOU WANT TO DIE???" She flailed her arms around wildly, bouncing around in her seat with panic.

"You're such a prude." Ashley snorted once her friend had stopped bouncing.

Maia frowned, "Your saying that like you're not a virgin."

"That's because I'm not." Ashley said nonchalantly, "And this has nothing to do with anything."


Ashley snorted again, "You thought I was a virgin, really?"

Maia's  mouth opened, and then shut again, "But."

"More than once actually, you know." Ashley grinned.

"Okay, get out of the car."  

Ashley looked amused, "But it's my car." 

"And besides," She continued, looking out, "Your boyfriend is here." 


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