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Ashley turned just in time to catch the airborne teacup that was flying towards her.

"Supergirl strikes again!" Carter spoke into a ketchup bottle while using his other hand to mop up a spill.

"Don't throw things at me you little imbecile." 

"Or what?"

"Or I'll pay the lovely Chloe Carter a visit."

He paled, "How did you know about that?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "I read your diary."

"But I hide it!"

"Under your pillow. Which has got to be the most cliche hiding spot for a diary ever." 

"No one told you to-"

"Whoa, whoa, you kids have been in the same room for twenty minutes, and you're already fighting," Jamie said, looking very smug, "Typical. Now tell Pappa Bear all about it."

They rolled their eyes together.

"This Pappa Bear business has to stop." Carter told his brother.

"Yeah," Ashley said, agreeing with him, "Not going to get you a girlfriend anytime soon, buddy."

Jamie looked offended, "All girls want a piece of Pappa Bear."

"That is exactly the thing you wouldn't say if any girl actually wanted a piece of Pappa Bear." Ashley pointed out.

"Children, less pooing, more doing." 

"We're not pooing!" Carter yelled back to his dad.

"Yes you are, from your mouth."

Ashley rolled her eyes. What do you say to that?

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