#thirty four#

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"ASHLEY." He roared again.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm here."

He looked at her, eyes glazed over. "Where do you think you're going with that bag, young lady?"

She looked at her father, her eyes steely, "I'm leaving."

He laughed, "Like hell you are."

She frowned, "You can't stop me."

He strolled over to her and grabbed her wrist, "Watch me." He hissed.

"Let go of her," A scarily calm voice came from behind her.

Her father looked over her shoulder and laughed, "Managed to get yourself a little boyfriend, have you Ashley? Did you go crying to him about your poor sad little life and your horrible father?"

She flinched when the alcohol in his breath hit her nose.

"She might have," Marcus said, "And the police are on their way, so for your own sake I suggest you let go of her, now."

Her father's eyes widened and he let go of her wrist, leaving behind a nasty purple bruise.

"You bastard." He hissed, and he swung at Marcus, catching him right on the jaw.

"No!" She screamed, horrified as Marcus fell to the floor. She ran to him.

"Marcus?" She whispered. 

He smiled at her, and promptly flinched, "I'm fine."

She glared up at her dad, "Don't you ever touch him again!"

Her father cocked his eyebrows, "So you have balls now, do you?" 

She shook her head at him, "What happened to you, dad? You used to be a nice guy. Just because Mom's gone and Ally's gone and Stephanie's gone doesn't mean you're not a dad anymore! I'm still here. I have been for the last ten years, and I'm sick of it now. You're not the only person who lost someone, I did too. I'm not that naive, lost girl anymore. I'll tell them what you did. At least in jail you can't hurt anyone anymore." 

He shook his head, "You need me, you'll have no where else to go."

She smiled, "You're wrong. I have people who care about me. People who I love." She looked at him with sadness, "You could have been one of them too." She said as she heard the sirens wailing outside her house.

She sat there and watched as the officers came in and took her father away, and she looked at the boy who sat next to her, clutching her hand.

She had lost the last member of her family, but she she didn't feel alone because she had found a new family along the way,

Hi my lovelies, y'all seem so silent these days, it makes me sad. Please tell me if you're liking the story, your comments really mean a lot to me. There aren't that many chapters left, but I guess they'll be a lot calmer, for obvious reasons.

I love you,


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