#thirty three#

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I spent the last four hours reorganising my bookshelves because my maid decided to wreck em up for the sake of 'tidying'.

If you want to check out my pride and joy (my bookshelves) you can check out my snapchat or Instagram they're both @ruevian
(*cough* shameless promotion *cough*)
Also, happy Halloween my lovelies.

"Hurry up and pack." He told her, and she didn't have to be told twice. She blindly started throwing everything into a duffel bag, not really caring what she took as long as she got out of here.

She had never seen Marcus so full of determination before, and it made her heart swell with gratitude. He didn't have to do any of this, but he still did.

For her.

When she turned back to him after zipping up her bag, he was talking to somebody on the phone, looking serious.

"Thank you, I knew I could count on you." He said into the phone, "We'll be there tomorrow morning."

She looked at him curiously, "Who was that?"

He smiled at her, "Don't worry about it."

She frowned, "But-"

Suddenly the front door slammed, making her jump with surprise. She looked at him, her eyes wide.

"He's here." She whispered.

"ASHLEY." He roared from down the stairs.

"Oh my god," She whispered, "He's drunk."

Marcus pulled her close to him, "He's not going to touch you." He promised, "I won't let him."

She nodded. "Let's go." She said, filled with a new sense of determination.

She couldn't wait to leave this hell hole. And wherever she went, she knew Marcus would be with her, and she couldn't wait.

He smiled at her, "That's my girl."

And then they walked into the storm.


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