#twenty nine#

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So I was going to wait till tomorrow to post this but I was too excited so I had to.

"So," Marcus looked at her nervously, "Any particular reason why we're in the janitor's closet?"

Ashley shrugged, "This is where all they secret meetings are held in the movies."

He laughed, and it was the best sound Ashley had ever heard. She could get drunk on it, she wanted to make him laugh all the time.

"Okay but really, I was supposed to go help Shawn come up with a way to ask Logan to the dance, so what's this about?"

"Who're you going with, then?" Ashley asked innocently.

"I-you-but-" Marcus stammered, obviously not expecting the question.

She grinned, "Of course I'd love to go to the dance with you Marky, thanks for asking?"

Marcus raised his eyebrows, "Why would you assume I wanted to take you to the dance Ash?"

It was Ashley's turn to gap at him like a goldfish. "But you-" She started to say.

He just smiled and pulled her close to him, "I'm kidding. You're the only girl I'd ever want to go to the dance with."

Ashley felt this fluttering feeling in her tummy, "Really?" She asked, sounding out of breath.

He nodded, and then sighed. "I wanted to do this right, but I guess this filthy room will have to do."

Ashley felt like a family of frogs had suddenly decided to set up camp in her stomach.

What was he saying?

"What I'm trying to say is, Ashley, you're not the girl I thought you were."

Her eyes widened and she pushed herself away from him as though he had scalded her. She could feel tears well up in her eyes. Had she managed to ruin everything again?

Marcus' eyes widened, and he grabbed both her arms. 

"Shit Ashley, I meant it in the good way. God, I'm so bad at this." He cursed, and then placed both his hands on either side of her face. "Listen to me, and let me finish, okay?" He said gently.

She nodded.

"Ash, for years I thought you were a cold and heartless person, but when you helped Skye I realised that I was so very wrong about you. You're the most selfless person I know. You're smart, and you're funny, and you're so gorgeous, god, it's not even funny."

Her eyes widened, and if he wasn't holding her, she would practically have melted after hearing his words.

"What are you trying to say?" She whispered.

He looked frustrated. "I-" His gaze went down to her lips. He was so close she could feel his breath fanning her face.

"F*ck it." He said.

And then his lips were on hers.


Merry Christmas kids, my early gift to you :P

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