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She froze.

Marcus Matson was kissing her.

His lips were on hers.

And they were moving.

Fireworks exploded in her stomach as she stood there, frozen, as the boy of her dreams kissed her.

She had kissed a lot of guys in her lifetime but just the touch of Marcus' lips against hers made her forget all of them, and it was as though she was being kissed for the first time.

Suddenly the warmth vanished as Marcus jerked back as though he had been electrocuted, his eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry Ashley I shouldn't have kissed you," He said, turning red.

That's when she realised, he thought she didn't like him.

That adorable fool.

"Um," He mumbled, "I'm going to go now..."

She rolled her eyes and all but flung herself onto him.

"Come here," She whispered, before pressing her lips firmly against his. He froze, but soon reciprocated, a smile forming against his lips.

She didn't know how long she stood there kissing him, his hands around her, her hands knotted in her hair, but no matter how long it was, it wasn't long enough.

"Ash," He whispered against her lips.

"Mmm?" She said, unable to form coherent sentences yet. 

He chuckled and pulled away, making her humph with annoyance. 

He pressed his forehead to hers.

"Hey Ash?" He said again, "Remember how you said no one loved you?"

She nodded.

"I told you you were wrong, you know why?"

She shook her head.

"Because I love you."

She sucked in a breath and tears pooled around her eyes.

"You mean it?" She whispered.

He smiled the most beautiful smile in the world.

"Always." He whispered, his lips pressed to her forehead.

She sniffed, "I love you so much."

It was his turn to look bamboozled, "Me?"

She rolled her eyes, "Who else?"

"But why?"

"Because Marcus, you never expected anything from me. You let me be me. You saw my scars and you still talked to me. You cared."

He shook his head, "I'm going to get you away from him." He promised.

She could see the love reflecting in his eyes, "I love you," She told him, and it was the most honest truth she had ever spoken.

His eyes twinkled, "Be mine, Ashley?"

She smiled, "Duh." 

He laughed and held her close, and things finally fell into place.

There ya go my little grasshoppers.

Dedication to @NewWriterBug because her story 'I dialled the last digit wrong' was all kinds of beautiful, just like her. 

I'll probably have a new chapter up tonight, but I also have a few surprises coming along. D'ya guys know where I can get a pretty cover from?

Love you to the end of the universe and back,


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