#thirty one#

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Guys guys guys it would mean so much to me if you would check out my new short story, The Ultimate Long Distance Game.

Nothing could wipe the grin off Ashley's face when she headed out of school, Marcus' hand clasped in her own.

"You seem happy," Marcus said, looking amused.

She looked up at him and rolled her eyes, "Why wouldn't I be?"

He shook his head and pulled her close, kissing her forehead gently, "You should smile like that all the time."

Suddenly a shriek loud enough for their neighbours in Canada graced her years.

She winced, only one set of lungs could squeal so loud.

"Hi Maia," She said sheepishly.

Maia wasn't the only one staring at them. The entire crew was waiting for them outside the school, wearing identical smirks.

"No way." Skye grinned, "Finally."

Then, to Ashley's immense shock, she turned to her boyfriend, "Ten bucks." She demanded.

Bash frowned, "Couldn't you two wait till after senior year was over?" He grumbled before handing his girlfriend the said amount of money.

Marcus cracked a grin, "Why am I not surprised that you guys made a bet over this."

"They're not the only ones," Shawn said, "I'm fifty bucks richer now. Thanks guys." He said with a whoop.

"Yeah," His boyfriend Logan said, sounding a lot more sarcastic, "Thanks guys." Obviously he was the one who was paying.

"I can't believe you guys." Ashley grumbled, looking embarrassed as she dug her head further into Marcus' shoulder, in the hope of disappearing.

"We totally have to celebrate," Maia hollered, "Movies, all of us, now."

Marcus looked at his girlfriend, "You wanna?"

God he loved calling her that.

She nodded with a small smile, "Why not?"

Isobel chipped in, "And sleepover at my place afterwards, we've not had one for ages."

Ashley's face fell, "I don't know guys..."

"Nonsense," Marcus cut in, "You're going." He sounded like a man with a plan.

Ashley looked confused, what was he planning?

He gave her a look saying trust me.

And she trusted him.

So she let him lead her to her car.

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